Tuesday 15 August 2017


Conspiracy theorists (like us here at Astronaut Secrets) have said that the end of the world is coming and it will actually on September 23rd apparently according to some conspiracy theorists in this year of our Lord 2017. They believe that this is when Planet X or (Nibiru if you like) is going to collide with the Earth. Can you imagine it just popping up from behind the Sun and be like a Bat out of a cave in our direction?

It wouldn't be polite to create a post saying "I told you so" would it? Or would it? Mmmmh? So we found this post online that had this as a major news article in prominent place on their website so we thought we would do a piece on it because it is just so out there and latching on to another conspiracy that we need to do this in case, you know... In case it happened? Which we highly doubt by the way, but you never know? 

Apparently we all died in 2012 when the LHC CERN turned on it's Large Hadron Collider and smashed a big black hole that sent us at speed straight into another dimension in effect killing us all in the process but we just don't know it, yet?


On August 21 the Moon is going to cover up the Sun and the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is going to mean that there will be a sudden drop in the temperature and this is going to send half of Earth into darkness.

The end of the world in september 2017

The end of the world never actually happens but has some thinking it will so they do stupid things, please don't do anything silly! Thank you.

Is Planet X also known as Nibiru going to hit Earth?
Armageddon is round the corner apparently

Now apparently, a big voice in the Nibiru Apocalypse movement has said that the solar eclipse event is going to coincide with the mythical Planet X alien planet crashing into Earth and it when the two collide it will mean the end of the world.


David Mead, Christian numerologist, and amateur stargazer gave a prediction that it will be the end of the world in September. He gave this prediction based on Bible verses that he had analyzed and taken into account, the planets and the stars. He is certain that the Old Testament of the Bible, the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 13 verse 9 to 10 tells us that the world is going to end. In this part of the Bible, it says the day of the Lord is coming, and it will be a cruel day, one with fierce anger and wrath and that it is going to make the land desolate and it will destroy all the sinners on it. It was said that the Stars of Heaven along with their constellations are not going to reveal their light again. It also says that the rising Sun is going to be darkened and that the Moon is not going to give its light. Mead has been speaking to media, and he gave a warning that is chilling about the future of humanity. He went on to say that the Great American Eclipse occurring on 21 August 2017 will be a major harbinger. He said that when the eclipse starts the sunrise is going to be dark, the same as Isaiah predicted. Mead went on to say that the moon that is involved has the name of the Black Moon and this is something that happens once every 33 months. In the Bible, the name of Elohim also makes an appearance 33 times in Genesis.


The eclipse will begin at Lincoln Beach in Oregon in the US, which is the 33rd state and it will come to an end on 33rd degree of Charleston in South Carolina. A solar eclipse such as this has not been seen since back in 1918, and this was 99 years ago, or 33 multiplied by 3. Mead went on to say that the exact date of the apocalypse, when the world will come to an end, is 23 September 2017. This he said was based on the Book of Revelation Chapter 12 in which it talks about a great sign in heaven.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Anonymous Hacks The Bilderberg Group

Anonymous hacks 'Illuminati' placing warning on mysterious Bilderberg Group website!

THE Anonymous Group hacked into the website of the mysterious Bilderberg Group before defacing its website with a "we're watching you" warning. 

Set up in 1954, the Bilderberg Group holds a global top-secret meeting for world political and business leaders, and the Anonymous warning called on it to ensure it works for the benefit of humanity not personal agendas in 2017. The message said: "Dear Bilderberg members, from now, each one of you has one year to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests. 

"Each Topic you discuss or work you achieve through Your uber private meetings should from now benefit world populations and not X or Y group of people otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you.”

Bilderberg has been described as the world’s most secretive gathering of global leaders and elites, with prime ministers and presidents, bankers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 topping the guest list for 2016 in Dresden, Germany.

Anti-capitalist group Anonymous, which once waged a cyber war on Islamic State, along with the HackBack movement are believed to be responsible for the hack which left the message on the group's website for a number of days, arguing there was no global equality and human rights were an illusion.

Bilderberg is seen by some conspiracy theorists as the public face of an alleged top-secret organisation that actually runs world governments from behind the scenes called the Illuminati.

Conspiracy theorists claim the Illuminati is trying to bring about a New World Order to rule is through one global organisation, in some sinister plot. The Anonymous warning called for the Bilderberg Group to bring an end any plans for a "new world order", and criticized leaders for "planning wars for personal interests".

Secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg meetings only seeks to fuel such conspiracies. Inside the annual meetings, no journalists are allowed in and there is no opening or closing press conferences or statements.

On top of this no minutes are taken and attendees are urged not to discuss what goes on inside with anyone else. Of course, the organizers of the Bilderberg meetings, claim it is just the world's biggest lobby group and talking shop.

Bilderberg's organizers deny any global conspiracy, saying they “never sought any publicity", and deny they can choose the next US president or select where the next war will take place. A statement on its website says: "Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, Bilderberg has been an annual forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.

"Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the meeting. "About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

"The meeting is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. "The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed." No details have yet been released about the venue or date of the 2017 meeting.

Anonymous targeted the group during its meeting in Dresden last June, conducting a denial of service attack on the website forcing it to stay offline for several hours. Last week Express.co.uk exclusively revealed that Anonymous warned in a chilling New Year warning it plans to "take over the western world" in 2017, "dragging government leaders through the streets" to achieve its goal.

Other Anonymous targets in recent weeks included several Thai government websites in protest at a newly amended cyber law, considered to be restrictive to users' internet freedoms. An allegedly linked group AnonPlus is also believed to have placed a message on the website of the Victorian Human Rights Commission in Australia this week for an unknown reason.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Our Mission Statement And Why We Do What We Do?

Today we are focusing on the parts of the infinite universe that has become a really rich source of exciting revelations in terms of how the universe and all the contents of this amazing, expanding and freezing "wonderful reality" came to being?

The existence of life in this universe is as diverse as the stars and the materials that make up the planets, stars, comets, meteorites and all of the known moons that orbit exotic masses much as the helium filled planets and the icy companions that have lived together since the formations started to come together in what can only be described as a wonder of time itself!

Astronaut Secrets has a main objective and a truly amazing mission to unravel any and as much as possible until the truth and the secrets that are being hidden away from not only the public but the entire human race as a whole!

The mission that we started is ongoing and will be a ride like no other! 

Our mission statement is this;
To research and dissect as much information as possible and get everything we learn from this mission out to the public and never have any doubts about our starting reasons!

This is the image that has influenced the people here at Astronaut Secrets. This image is a glimpse into the vast universe and the brilliant wonders of the thing we call SPACE!

Thursday 11 May 2017

The end

The beginning was alarming which hastily grew and in the end it was disarming, the same old story the likes of which was always disarming and really, really bad timing. Is this a number or history fading, the wheels of fortune in the hands of a loon. Masses medicated, spoon fed lies. Look in to my eyes there was no spies.
Strange events will occur - this event will be red, blue and white - events that will be a precursor to an event that shines down some will say is a fake and a lie. The event will be in all languages, it will be in all colors - beamed across the oceans and it'll will roar with a deafening wave of every voice. It will be in the form of a desperate answer, but for the one it shall be a wind across the soul. When the signals comes and the hour bells toll, the bridges will fall and the sky will fall, the efforts in vain but for the single new born brings hope under fire - the concrete and stars will shine no more but for the breath of a new day that's far away - it'll work for one day, then ten hours and them that know will fight about it, will hurt and die for it. It's worse than the truth itself, this knowing. It's the knowing, I know not why.  It just is, like the morning itself. The hunger for a new day is all but in vain. This is the masses and the two in the know. In a bright yellow lit hallway will be a scratch of red of which the color is known inside, its the red of fear and the red of hate, fear, hate and fear. Will it be a number or a distant memory, this I do not know?

Saturday 18 March 2017

CERN Boffins ARE DEFINITELY Manipulating The Weather | Here's The PROOF

Now in an article published in Sat May 28th 2016 edition of the Express dot co dot uk. I found this that says CERN scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming. 

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs. OMG not only are they recreating big bangs, they're also recreating the weather! 

Just what the HELL are these despicable people at CERN doing? STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
This our home, we live here!
Your gonna mess this planet right up, you fools. It will be irreversible! Someone please step in and stop these power drunk fools from tearing this Earth a new butt hole!

Boffins from CERN have also discovered projected temperature increases over the next century may have been over estimated.

Researchers found trees may have been putting similar aerosols into the air as burning fossil fuels, long before the industrial revolution, meaning humans may have had less impact on the climate than we thought.

cern portal wallpaper

Scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming.

A study published this week in the journal Nature has looked more closely at the tiny particles within clouds, known as cloud seeds, that help cool the planet and found they can be produced naturally.

Clouds, including natural ones and those from aerosols, are seen by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the single biggest source of uncertainty about the so-called human-caused climate change.

The problem stems from not knowing how cloudy the world was before the industrial era, and the fact that some of the gases produced by burning fossil fuels said to warm the plant in the long-term, actually help cool it in the short-term through cloud formation.

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs.

cern portal seen from space