Saturday 18 March 2017

CERN Boffins ARE DEFINITELY Manipulating The Weather | Here's The PROOF

Now in an article published in Sat May 28th 2016 edition of the Express dot co dot uk. I found this that says CERN scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming. 

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs. OMG not only are they recreating big bangs, they're also recreating the weather! 

Just what the HELL are these despicable people at CERN doing? STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
This our home, we live here!
Your gonna mess this planet right up, you fools. It will be irreversible! Someone please step in and stop these power drunk fools from tearing this Earth a new butt hole!

Boffins from CERN have also discovered projected temperature increases over the next century may have been over estimated.

Researchers found trees may have been putting similar aerosols into the air as burning fossil fuels, long before the industrial revolution, meaning humans may have had less impact on the climate than we thought.

cern portal wallpaper

Scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming.

A study published this week in the journal Nature has looked more closely at the tiny particles within clouds, known as cloud seeds, that help cool the planet and found they can be produced naturally.

Clouds, including natural ones and those from aerosols, are seen by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the single biggest source of uncertainty about the so-called human-caused climate change.

The problem stems from not knowing how cloudy the world was before the industrial era, and the fact that some of the gases produced by burning fossil fuels said to warm the plant in the long-term, actually help cool it in the short-term through cloud formation.

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs.

cern portal seen from space

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