Tuesday 27 December 2016

Carrie Fisher, child of Hollywood who blazed a path as 'Star Wars' heroine, screenwriter and author, dies at 60

Carrie Fisher | 1956 – 2016

Actress and writer Carrie Fisher, who rose to global fame as the trail-blazing intergalactic heroine Princess Leia in the “Star Wars” franchise and later went on to establish herself as an author and screenwriter with an acerbic comic flair, has died. Fisher suffered a cardiac incident on Friday during a flight to Los Angeles from London, where she had been filming the third season of the Amazon comedy series “Catastrophe.” Upon landing, she was quickly rushed to UCLA Medical Center, but after three days in intensive care, she died, a family publicist confirmed. She was 60 years old.

From the moment she first stepped onto the screen in 1977’s “Star Wars,” the character of Leia Organa — whip-smart, wryly funny and fearless enough to stand up to the likes of Darth Vader without batting an eye, with an instantly iconic set of buns on either side of her head — inspired generations of young girls to be bold and inspired crushes in generations of young boys. Decades later, when Fisher returned to the role in last year’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” she reflected to The Times on her status as a new kind of role model in the pop culture landscape.

Carrie Fisher | 1956 – 2016

'Star Wars' | 1977

“I remember the first time it was weird to me was when someone wanted to thank me because they’d become a lawyer because of me,” Fisher said. “The main thing they said is that they identified with me. I felt like that was somebody that could be heroic without being a superhero and be relatable.”

Leia was a fierce and regal warrior against the Empire, but Fisher’s offscreen life was marked by more personal battles, including bouts of drug abuse, a complicated family history and struggles with bipolar disorder — all of which she would use as material for lacerating comedy in her numerous works of fiction and nonfiction. Fisher would become an advocate on behalf of others struggling with mental illness, helping defuse stigma surrounding the issue through her own candor.

Starwars actress Carrie Fisher dies in 2016

Fisher was born into Hollywood royalty on Oct. 21, 1956, to singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds, who divorced when she was 2. But she rocketed to fame in her own right when director George Lucas cast her as Leia in his space opera while she was still a teenager. She reprised the role in 1980’s “The Empire Strikes Back” and 1983’s “Return of the Jedi.” In the wake of “Star Wars,” Fisher continued to act on occasion in films such as Woody Allen’s “Hannah and Her Sisters” and the romantic comedy “When Harry Met Sally…”

But the shadow of “Star Wars” was not easy to escape, and it wasn’t until Fisher turned to writing with the semi-autobiographical 1987 novel “Postcards from the Edge” that she began to define herself outside of the role of Princess Leia. In “Postcards from the Edge,” Fisher satirized her own acting career, her offscreen struggle with drug abuse and bipolar disorder and her sometimes stormy relationship with her mother. (The bond between Fisher and Reynolds is explored in of an upcoming HBO documentary, “Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.”)

Starwars actress Carrie Fisher dies in 2016

“Postcards from the Edge”
was adapted for the big screen by director Mike Nichols in 1990 and went on to launch an entirely new career for Fisher as a bestselling author and screenwriter. Though Fisher’s facility as a writer may have surprised fans who only knew her from her work in the galaxy far, far away, it was hardly news to those who knew her best.

“I started reading really early — I wanted to impress my father, who is unimpressable” she told The Times in 2008. “My family called me ‘the bookworm’ and they didn’t say it in a nice way. I fell in love with words…. By about 16 I wanted to be Dorothy Parker.” Fisher went on to write several more novels, including “Surrender the Pink” and “Delusions of Grandma,” and, again using her life as material, published a 2008 memoir called “Wishful Drinking,” based on a one-woman show she had performed on Broadway.

Starwars actress Carrie Fisher dies in 2016

Less publicly, she also earned steady work as one of the film industry’s most in-demand script doctors. At the time of her death, Fisher was on tour promoting her recently published book “The Princess Diarist.” A memoir based on diaries Fisher kept around the time she filmed the first “Star Wars,” the book revealed that the actress had carried on an affair with co-star Harrison Ford, who played the roguish smuggler Han Solo, with whom Leia had an often tempestuous romantic relationship. Indeed, Fisher — who was briefly married to singer Paul Simon in the early 1980s and had a daughter, Billie Catherine Lourd, from a later relationship with talent agent Bryan Lourd — was never one to shy away from uncomfortable or intimate subjects.

On social media, she cultivated a brash, wise-cracking persona, whether posting droll one-liners or photos of her French bulldog, Gary. When some moviegoers complained on social media about how much older she looked in “The Force Awakens” than when she had last played the character more than three decades earlier, she retorted on Twitter with her typical sharp wit, “Please stop debating about whether or not I aged well. Unfortunately it hurts all 3 of my feelings.” Fisher had been confirmed to return to the role of Leia in the next installment in the franchise, “Episode VIII,” due in theaters December 2017.

Starwars actress Carrie Fisher dies in 2016

The film finished shooting this summer, but plot details — including what part Leia plays in the next chapter of the saga — have been kept tightly under wraps. Although some actors might bemoan being so closely associated with a single role for so many years, Fisher never seemed to resent being linked to Leia, even if she did admit to disliking the character’s famous buns, calling them a “hair-don’t instead of a hairdo.” “It's not always fun, but it’s certainly life-changing,” she told The Times last year. “I have been Princess Leia exclusively. It’s been a part of my life for 40 years…. I’m like the diplomat to a country that I haven’t been to yet. I am that country.”

Thursday 22 December 2016

Was Intelligent life on Mars wiped out by a nuclear war? some scientist's say yes!

Intelligent life on Mars was wiped out by nuclear war, says scientist A SCIENTIST is trying to convince the world that intelligent civilisations flourished on Mars before wiping themselves out through nuclear war.

Mars-Nuclear war wiped out Martians

Dr John Brandenburg claims hostile aliens wiped out life on Mars with nuclear bombs. US-based Dr John Brandenburg gives lectures across the globe offering a theory that there is evidence of two major nuclear blasts on the Red Planet, and the archaeological relics left behind by the ancient Martians. Mr Brandenburg believes the nuclear war took place about half a billion years ago and the traces of the blast have been left in two key locations.

The plasma physicist claims “anyone who can read a map” can see the the nuclear explosion sites. He claims the strongest shock-waves and fallout were dumped downwind of Cydonia mesa and Galaxias Chaos, two sites on Mars that other conspiracy theorists have claimed are sites of ancient archeology on Mars. His theory is that a civilisation, like the people of the Bronze Age on Earth, developed on Mars, but were wiped out by a more advanced alien aggressor from another planet.

He bases his theory on data collected by NASA from Mars he says shows “weapon-signature” isotopes showing the two massive nuclear “airbursts” in the Northern regions of the planet. He says what he identified was a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium on Mars.


Nuclear-Mars wars on Mars are looking likely in the past

He says nuclear isotopes in the Martian atmosphere are like those left by hydrogen bomb tests on Earth. He said: “Given the large amount of nuclear isotopes in Mars atmosphere resembling those from hydrogen bomb tests on Earth, Mars may present an example of civilisation wiped out by a nuclear attack from space.” And he claims Earth could be at risk from the same hostile forces. He added: “It is possible the Fermi Paradox means that our interstellar neighbourhood contains forces hostile to young, noisy, civilisations such as ourselves. “Mars presents the human race with a Darwinian intelligence test, and so-far, we are failing it.

Mars-Nuclear war wiped out a civilisation in the past

“Scientists cannot connect the dots at Mars because the resulting picture is too terrifying to accept.” Mr Brandenburg also agrees with other alien conspiracy theorists that there are signs of ancient structures like the Egyptian pyramids and other monuments left on Mars. He claims images from probes shows a huge carved face and a pyramid at Cydonia Mensa and another carved face and ruins at Galaxias Chaos.

The far-out theory goes on to suggest the US Government has been aware of what happened since NASA first sent probes to the Red Planet in 1976, but the truth has been withheld amid fears over how the public would react. He told a Secret Space Program conference in the US last year: “Secrecy within government is an evil that’s sometimes necessary, but I think it’s a good thing that this cover-up on Mars is ending, and, hopefully at some point we can sit down and have a frank conversation not about what happened on Mars 250 million years ago but what is happening right now.”

But, Dr Brandenburg, who turned his theory into the book Death on Mars, has been ridiculed on sceptical websites for being an accomplished scientist who has fallen into the realms of pseudoscience. So what does NASA say happened to the Red Planet. Last year, it announced Mars once was like Earth and likely to have large ocean cover with seas of up to a mile deep.

It also found evidence that the interior remains quite moist, and some water even still reaches the surface, so it could theoretically house or have housed the most basic forms of life at some stage. However, its rovers exploring the surface have found no evidence of any structures built on the surface. It also revealed last November that the atmosphere of Mars was gradually stripped away over billions of years by solar winds from our Sun - not as the result of a nuclear explosion.

Viking 1 was launched by a Titan/Centaur rocket from Complex 41 at Cape canaveral Air Force Station at 5.22pm EDT to begin a half-billion mile, eleven moth journey through space to explore Mars.

Viking 1 Spacecraft, Kennedy Space Centre, Cape Canaveral, Florida, 1975

Viking spacecraft view of Mars, January 1985

This enhanced-color image from March 2012 of a region of Mars near Nili Fossae shows part of the ejecta from an impact crater and contains some of the best exposures of ancient bedrock on Mars

Seasonal flows on some steep slopes. These flows have a set of characteristics consistent with shallow seeps of salty water.

The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover includes temperature and humidity sensors mounted on the rover's mast

Please enjoy this post, the original story was from my favourite website which is the express online but from the weird section, lol.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

A SPOON has been found on Mars in an amazing image proving life DID exist at one time on the red planet

The Martian spoon is going to go down in history as the find that proved life once existed on Mars?

Mars image link;
This is just amazing! I found pottery, structures and even insects but finding a spoon PROVES that life did exist one time on the red planet? The pottery was a good find but could of come from a frog race of peoples, but a spoon means this once was used to serve food in to a mouth meaning a human or a humanoid being used this to shovel food in to it's mouth?

Mars-Spoon proves life was once on Mars
Spoon found on Mars
A spoon like this is identical to our "human" spoons so there for this tells me that it's a human that used this? I think it could tie in to my belief that Martians were our ancestors and we were made in their own image and inherited their looks and behaviours to an extent?

OR was it left there by Aliens on previous visits to the red planet? Other intelligent life forms in other places in the universe is not hard to believe because we are here, that spoon was left by other Aliens (maybe) and then there's the Alien visit's on this earth PLUS the "wow" signal from other intelligent Aliens in far off places on distant worlds?

Ancient pottery found on Mars and a spoon
Ancient pottery found on Mars

If you look at it like that then the universe is full and teaming with life? I think the Aliens would know and understand how it would effect the normal everyday peoples of "other worlds" if they exposed themselves as existing and so they always do secret deals with leaders of planets and abide by the treaties in order to barter, swap and co-operate on technology and other ways of (futuristic) living and/or expansion plans?

If they've done these types of deals with other Alien worlds before (for example), then they probably have an existing protocol and fully understand the implications of showing themselves but in bit's and as a way of not overwhelming the other side so-to-speak? So getting back to the Martian spoon, it wouldn't surprise me if it is a deliberate disclosure image?

Mars-Spoon and the existence of life on Mars
The Martian spoon that proves life existed once?
There's many ways to skin a rabbit!

The so-called disclosure project seems to point to that the Governments are well under ways in disclosing the truth that Aliens are real but also that they are in communications with the Alien entities and that they are good, technologically advanced and that they want to help us grow as a important equal or lesser but someone that they can do deals with and not just take from us?

It's all speculation and guess work but the fact doesn't go away that there's a frickin spoon on Mars! There's crocodile skeletons and squirrel skeletons including skulls, bones and structures with "working" chimney shafts giving off smoke or steam! Is that the Moon or Mars? But still, the message here is this, keep one eye on the sky and the other eye on this website because I will be the first to bring you the news you've been waiting for!

Other skulls, bones and anomalies on Mars in these pictures.

Source of information;

This is the original story and how it looked on the page?

Spoon Found On Mars In NASA photo 'proves intelligent life lived on the Red Planet' IS this a petrified relic from a lost civilisation that once inhabited Mars, or just an amusing optical illusion? Alien chasers are convinced it is a dust-coated spoon left by a race that perished on Mars. Yesterday, Express.co.uk reported on a growing conspiracy theory begun by US scientist Dr John Brandenburg, that there was intelligent life on the planet that was wiped out by nuclear war.

The "spoon" was found by YouTube channel UFO Hunter in a NASA image taken by the Curiosity Rover droid which explores the surface of Mars. The channel uploaded a video about it today. Fellow alien chaser Scott C Waring was amazed. He wrote on ufosightingsdaily.com: "This is a fantastic discovery of an eating utensil near the Mars Curiosity rover. "It was found by UFO Hunter of Youtube.
"The spoon is actually the second spoon to be found on Mars, and this one is an exact duplicate of the earlier discovery...there is almost no difference in the spoons found. "They perfectly match! "Also I explored the photo a little bit and found that in the upper left hand corner there was another eating utensil that resembles a spoon but with a triangle end to it.

"Now that could also be a stirrer or even a knife if you use the opposite end of it, but its dimensions match the spoon. "It's length, width, and thickness all match the spoon. "This one shows that the beings that used this spoon had hands similar size to our own. That would make them our size, how cool is that?"

The alleged spoon is the latest in a string of alleged earthly objects found by Mr Waring and co in NASA images. Other items include a shoes, a gun, fossils, various animals, and even ancient ruins. They claim the discoveries prove there was, or even still is, life on Mars. But, NASA, and other scientists say they are nothing more than optical illusions and wishful thinking.

NASA says its rovers have yet to find any evidence of even the most simplistic forms of life. The spoon and other finds, it says, are the results of pareidolia. This is when the brain tricks they eyes into seeing familiar objects such as faces or animals in textures such as clouds or the surface of rocks like those on Mars.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

The Mandela Effect Thoroughly Explained

Here is a really good look at The Mandela Effect via common sense and a thoroughly explained explanation. I hope this video answers your questions and that you leave us a comment or two? Subscribe if you will and check out our other videos?

Mandela Effect and The Wizard of Oz what is going on?

The Mandela effect is a weird phenomenon and is getting massive with everyone because people are realising that this is affecting them? Whether you believe it or not, the Mandela effect is here to stay ALL BECAUSE of CERN!

These idiots are crashing realities in to one another at speeds very close to, if not beyond the speed of light? Recreating the "big bang" and holding the building blocks (particles) in suspended animation with tremendous magnets is just crazy and wrong! They're messing with time, space, reality and every direction you can think of?

Saturday 17 December 2016

A British Blacked Out Military Helicopter Chases Down A UFO Along The South Coast Of Britain

Absolutely amazing and simply stunning "brand new" footage has surfaced showing a totally blacked out Military helicopter in hot pursuit of a UFO along the British coast line in the south of England! this is the kinda footage we live for here at UFO Sightings Footage and hence it's in our name and D.N.A.

helicopter trails behind a UFO tailing it along the south coast of Britain
Military helicopter chases a UFO across the south coast of Britain
I found this and thought you'de love this as there's a video and awesome images of the event?


ALARMING video footage has captured the moment a mysterious blacked-out helicopter appeared to pursue a UFO across the south coast of England

It looked like a dark ring then I noticed the helicopter chasing it
UFO after being filtered
The X-Files style scene unfolded over several minutes above a busy estate on the south coast. Window cleaner Darren Cooper was having a cigarette in his garden when he spotted the small dark object zooming across the sky. Just after Mr Cooper recorded the bizarre small dark ring flying through the sky, a black helicopter emerged and followed in hot pursuit as if it was a scene from the X Files?

The small dark ring flies in the distance as the helicopter trails behind In the clip, the small dark ring flies into the distance as the helicopter trails behind several minutes later. The dad-of-four, who lives in Southampton, said:
  • "As I went back into the house to look at the footage, within two minutes the helicopter was above the house so I ran back outside with the camcorder and the chopper was on the same path as the object in the sky. 
  • “Notice in the video the helicopter is turning as if looking for something."
Black helicopters have been commonly spotted in the local areas following UFO sightings in the past. Alien conspiracy theorists suggest the helicopter(s) are part of a covert military force engaged in a secret UFO monitoring program - the basic story of the money-spinning, Men in Black movie franchise.

Mr Cooper, 49, rejects claims that the UFO he filmed was just a balloon or drone. He said: "It's most certainly not a balloon because the wind would have made it act like a balloon and gave it more of a wobble or speed it up or made it move erratically. "There was no movements like that at all."
He added: "On closer inspection on the PC I noticed that zooming into the object it looks like it has a hole in the centre. "The same day a friend told me he had also taken a closer look at the video and found strange things hiding in the clouds."

Several UFO sightings of a helicopter chasing a UFO on the south coast of Britain
The chopper chasing a UFO over the UK
So there you go my friends, there's your challenge for today? See what else you can find in the clouds in this video? I'm not saying there is anything there but as you can guess what he just said is quite tantalising to say the least? What else is in the clouds over the UK? Is the UK and the USA in cahoots with each other and are they both involved in a covert Military operation"? Has it been ongoing for decades as some believe it has?

Another reason why the UK and the USA would never go up against each other in combat is the blunt truth that both of our nations have back engineered technology from downed UFOs and individually we have the power to literally and precisely take each other out in the blink of an eye? Or, is a treaty that would never be broke because we both have a mutual common goal?

I lean towards the latter because the USA knows that the UK is it's spiritual and literal father land. It was a rough childhood "upbringing" but as both countries matured, we or "they" have BOTH seemed to recognised each other's contributions and strengths which now work well together? The US and the UK would never go against each other again, absolutely not!

My point is this;

You will always see the USA's Military in the UK and you will always see British Military, intelligence in the USA. The UK forces don't need to cover the US because that's already taken care of. The UK is a stepping stone in the sense of the UK mainland is strategically placed where a Military presence made up of USA and UK forces would come together and like we have already seen thrive together here.

So when you see a Military blacked out chopper above, it's either the USA or the UK Military chasing off "another" unwanted guest i.e Aliens, Communists or the [Crop Circle] Corp of engineers of the Galactic Federation, lol. So don't be alarmed, the UFO just stepped out from warp speed and was politely asked to f**k off.

That's what I like to think anyways, it makes it a wee bit more interesting?

Here's another recent UFO sighting of a UFO dropping out of a wormhole or time warp?

UFO is filmed dropping out of a wormhole type time warp?
UFO dropping out of a wormhole

Monday 12 December 2016

The Pole Shift Hypothesis I Give My Thoughts

Whilst looking around the internet trying to get as much information as possible about the "pole shift theory" because I post about this stuff, I came across this awesome post on the website Crystal Links and I thought wow, this is awesome and I needed to share this with my small but amazing followers. Let's not forget that this blog is only a few months old? I've not even done that many posts, around the topics of UFO's, Aliens and conspiracies. I tend to try and spice it up with a variety of things like The Mandela Effect which is a mind blowing theory but one which is gaining alot of support!

The pole shift theory is a very serious matter and alot of people actually have taken steps to stay safe by building down i.e. a bunker, shelter, stock piling of food, clothes, water and even guns, ammunition and ways to live off grid! This is an awesome theory but I know it can take over your life if you let it? Let's not forget my friends, it's only a theory and you will see what you want to see if that's all your look for, right?

The poles are changing for sure. The poles are moving in a particular direction all the time. Is CERN, Nibiru or solar flares going to flip the poles? Hopefully not but if it does then let's be honest folks, would you want to live in a world devastated and in "full on" disaster mode? Total worldwide destruction is not worth thinking about because it is a terrible thought, let's be honest.

I understand that people need to be kept informed, I get that. But some websites I have read recently are really laying it on thick and doing nothing really other than promoting fear, panic, irrational thinking and otherwise scared tactics to sell stuff like water purification systems. Some are selling tents, bugging out kits, guns, ammunitions and military style clothing. Come on people let's look at this in another way and try to bring a little hope. The world has been spinning since day dot.

Nobody can predict the future no matter how much so-called evidence they have. Fear is a massive motivator and is ripe for exploitation! Religion is amongst them promoting fear "by some". Nobody can predict the future and the Bible is, let's face it, man made! It's a book on how to live with good morales, I get that. It promotes fear in the hand's of "some" particular people. It is manipulated and exploited. Nothing is off limits when it comes to one human being terrifying another human being in to submission!

Anyway's, my message there, is this;
A pole shift (magnetic or otherwise) is something out of our control no matter what we do it won't be enough? Thinking somehow that you will survive a pole shift and come out on the other end "all in tact" is just a little far fetched to say the least? Instead of living in fear or living life on the words of others is actually not that good? If a pole shift happens you'll probably be on the internet like now, just reading something like this?


You won't have time to get the stuff you've prepped and make it over to your secret little hide away? I understand the need to continue the human species because that's an innate thing in all of us. The need to come out on top is a basic fundamental need, that's all? Don't let other's interpret YOUR life. Don't let anyone take away your hopes and freedom! If your behold to only finding answers (all the time) about a pole shift then it doesn't matter, the pole shift already won.

Just don't forget to live YOUR life? Go and get a new set of slippers and purchase a 3D printer and create whacky bobble heads of people that you are influenced by and sell them online? Go out and buy a coffee machine, splash out instead of converting your hard earned cash in to silver coins so you can barter for a fish in the apocalypse. Remember this as a last thing, "fear sells".

Anyway's my friends, here's the pole shift hypothesis I originally wanted to share with you;
The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis suggests that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events. There is evidence of precession and changes in axial tilt, but this change is on much longer time-scales and does not involve relative motion of the spin axis with respect to the planet. 

However, in what is known as true polar wander, the solid Earth can rotate with respect to a fixed spin axis. Research shows that during the last 200 million years a total true polar wander of some 30¡ has occurred, but that no super-rapid shifts in the Earth's pole were found during this period. A characteristic rate of true polar wander is 1° per million years or less. Between approximately 790 and 810 million years ago, when the super-continent Rodinia existed, two geologically rapid phases of true polar wander may have occurred. In each of these, the magnetic poles of the Earth shifted by ~55°.

The potential forces that could cause a reorientation of the Earth's axis of rotation include:
  • A post-glacial crustal rebound. 
  • A high-velocity asteroid or comet which hits Earth at such an angle that the lithosphere moves independent of the mantle. 
  • A high-velocity asteroid or comet which hits Earth at such an angle that the entire planet shifts axis. 
  • An unusually magnetic celestial object which passes close enough to Earth to temporarily reorient the magnetic field, which then "drags" the lithosphere about a new axis of rotation. Eventually, the sun's magnetic field again determines the Earth's, after the intruding celestial object "returns" to a location from which it cannot influence Earth. 
  • Perturbations of the topography of the core-mantle boundary, perhaps induced by differential core rotation and shift of its axial rotation vector, leading to CMB mass redistributions. 
  • Mass redistributions in the mantle from mantle avalanches or other deformations.
Pole Shift Theory has attracted pseudo-scientific authors offering a variety of evidence, including psychic readings.

Edgar Cayce's readings were the first non-scientific publications of the twentieth century

Edgar Cayce's readings were the first non-scientific publications of the twentieth century to bring the 'pole shift' concept into mass consciousness. Other authors have published books with similar theories, but their predictions, like Cayce's, did not happen. In my opinion, reality is a consciousness hologram in which the term "pole shift" is a metaphor for a shift in consciousness at the end of the illusion of linear time.

Saturday 10 December 2016

END OF DAYS? Apocalypse due in THREE WEEKS when Jesus returns, claims Christian scientist

THE world will end in just three weeks when Jesus returns to the Earth, according to a Christian computer scientist.

A Christian computer scientist claims the world will end in three weeks  
Will the world end in just 3 weeks?

By analysing the book of Daniel, Nora Roth predicts 2017 will not even get a look in, with the apocalypse due by New Year’s Eve. Ms Roth, a Bible student and computer scientist, revealed her shocking theory on her blog The Mark of the Beast Explained. The conspiracy theorist has based her predictions on complex calculations which suggest the apocalypse is imminent.

Imminent doom for the northern hemisphere please watch this video:

After looking at Bible passages and examining "God’s clocks of the sevens" based on the so-called “sevens” prophecy, Ms Roth claims “everlasting righteousness will be brought in” and Earth will be “left to rest” for a millennium. Writing on her blog Ms Roth said: “Are 6,000 years of sin almost over? Will Jesus come in 2016? The Bible presents enlightening, logical, and compelling answers to these questions. In short, yes!” The Christian scientist looks to the Book of Daniel to prove her point.
Are 6,000 years of sin almost over? Will Jesus come in 2016? The Bible presents enlightening, logical, and compelling answers to these questions. In short, yes! Nora Roth
In the story, Gabriel says “Seventy sevens are decreed to put an end to sin.” Ms Roth says the “sevens” are a unit of time known as the Jubilee Cycle and, by extending the scale, claims the world will end in 2016. But despite Ms Roth’s macabre prediction, she admits that the Bible does not reveal when the doomsday will arrive. Matthew 24 says: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”

Nora Roth based her calculations on the Book of Daniel
The end of days
Ms Roth says 2016 will be the end of 6,000 years of sin
An end to humans 6,000yrs of sin
Baptist minster Mark Woods, writing for Christian Today, has poured scorn on the theory. He said: “This way of reading the Bible is called ‘millenarianism’, and it tends to be a function of extreme biblical literalism and a lot of social stress – war, poverty, social change etc. There's a lot of that going on at the moment.” The minister says it would be a “sheer coincidence” for someone to correctly predict the end of the world.

Nora Roth predicts the apocalypse will come by New Year's Eve
Will this really be the one that sets in motion a catastrophe?
Mr Woods says Ms Roth’s prediction should not stop anyone from writing their Christmas cards and warns people to be careful when reading the Books of Daniel and Revelation. He said: “They are difficult books", and we should be very cautious about how we interpret them. As a general rule, it's safe to say they haven't got much to say about the future, but they have a lot to say about the present. “And while Ms Roth is almost certainly wrong about the Rapture coming by December 31, Jesus also tells his disciples to watch and be ready for his coming at any time.”