Tuesday, 15 August 2017


Conspiracy theorists (like us here at Astronaut Secrets) have said that the end of the world is coming and it will actually on September 23rd apparently according to some conspiracy theorists in this year of our Lord 2017. They believe that this is when Planet X or (Nibiru if you like) is going to collide with the Earth. Can you imagine it just popping up from behind the Sun and be like a Bat out of a cave in our direction?

It wouldn't be polite to create a post saying "I told you so" would it? Or would it? Mmmmh? So we found this post online that had this as a major news article in prominent place on their website so we thought we would do a piece on it because it is just so out there and latching on to another conspiracy that we need to do this in case, you know... In case it happened? Which we highly doubt by the way, but you never know? 

Apparently we all died in 2012 when the LHC CERN turned on it's Large Hadron Collider and smashed a big black hole that sent us at speed straight into another dimension in effect killing us all in the process but we just don't know it, yet?


On August 21 the Moon is going to cover up the Sun and the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is going to mean that there will be a sudden drop in the temperature and this is going to send half of Earth into darkness.

The end of the world in september 2017

The end of the world never actually happens but has some thinking it will so they do stupid things, please don't do anything silly! Thank you.

Is Planet X also known as Nibiru going to hit Earth?
Armageddon is round the corner apparently

Now apparently, a big voice in the Nibiru Apocalypse movement has said that the solar eclipse event is going to coincide with the mythical Planet X alien planet crashing into Earth and it when the two collide it will mean the end of the world.


David Mead, Christian numerologist, and amateur stargazer gave a prediction that it will be the end of the world in September. He gave this prediction based on Bible verses that he had analyzed and taken into account, the planets and the stars. He is certain that the Old Testament of the Bible, the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 13 verse 9 to 10 tells us that the world is going to end. In this part of the Bible, it says the day of the Lord is coming, and it will be a cruel day, one with fierce anger and wrath and that it is going to make the land desolate and it will destroy all the sinners on it. It was said that the Stars of Heaven along with their constellations are not going to reveal their light again. It also says that the rising Sun is going to be darkened and that the Moon is not going to give its light. Mead has been speaking to media, and he gave a warning that is chilling about the future of humanity. He went on to say that the Great American Eclipse occurring on 21 August 2017 will be a major harbinger. He said that when the eclipse starts the sunrise is going to be dark, the same as Isaiah predicted. Mead went on to say that the moon that is involved has the name of the Black Moon and this is something that happens once every 33 months. In the Bible, the name of Elohim also makes an appearance 33 times in Genesis.


The eclipse will begin at Lincoln Beach in Oregon in the US, which is the 33rd state and it will come to an end on 33rd degree of Charleston in South Carolina. A solar eclipse such as this has not been seen since back in 1918, and this was 99 years ago, or 33 multiplied by 3. Mead went on to say that the exact date of the apocalypse, when the world will come to an end, is 23 September 2017. This he said was based on the Book of Revelation Chapter 12 in which it talks about a great sign in heaven.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Anonymous Hacks The Bilderberg Group

Anonymous hacks 'Illuminati' placing warning on mysterious Bilderberg Group website!

THE Anonymous Group hacked into the website of the mysterious Bilderberg Group before defacing its website with a "we're watching you" warning. 

Set up in 1954, the Bilderberg Group holds a global top-secret meeting for world political and business leaders, and the Anonymous warning called on it to ensure it works for the benefit of humanity not personal agendas in 2017. The message said: "Dear Bilderberg members, from now, each one of you has one year to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests. 

"Each Topic you discuss or work you achieve through Your uber private meetings should from now benefit world populations and not X or Y group of people otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you.”

Bilderberg has been described as the world’s most secretive gathering of global leaders and elites, with prime ministers and presidents, bankers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 topping the guest list for 2016 in Dresden, Germany.

Anti-capitalist group Anonymous, which once waged a cyber war on Islamic State, along with the HackBack movement are believed to be responsible for the hack which left the message on the group's website for a number of days, arguing there was no global equality and human rights were an illusion.

Bilderberg is seen by some conspiracy theorists as the public face of an alleged top-secret organisation that actually runs world governments from behind the scenes called the Illuminati.

Conspiracy theorists claim the Illuminati is trying to bring about a New World Order to rule is through one global organisation, in some sinister plot. The Anonymous warning called for the Bilderberg Group to bring an end any plans for a "new world order", and criticized leaders for "planning wars for personal interests".

Secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg meetings only seeks to fuel such conspiracies. Inside the annual meetings, no journalists are allowed in and there is no opening or closing press conferences or statements.

On top of this no minutes are taken and attendees are urged not to discuss what goes on inside with anyone else. Of course, the organizers of the Bilderberg meetings, claim it is just the world's biggest lobby group and talking shop.

Bilderberg's organizers deny any global conspiracy, saying they “never sought any publicity", and deny they can choose the next US president or select where the next war will take place. A statement on its website says: "Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, Bilderberg has been an annual forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.

"Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the meeting. "About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

"The meeting is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. "The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed." No details have yet been released about the venue or date of the 2017 meeting.

Anonymous targeted the group during its meeting in Dresden last June, conducting a denial of service attack on the website forcing it to stay offline for several hours. Last week Express.co.uk exclusively revealed that Anonymous warned in a chilling New Year warning it plans to "take over the western world" in 2017, "dragging government leaders through the streets" to achieve its goal.

Other Anonymous targets in recent weeks included several Thai government websites in protest at a newly amended cyber law, considered to be restrictive to users' internet freedoms. An allegedly linked group AnonPlus is also believed to have placed a message on the website of the Victorian Human Rights Commission in Australia this week for an unknown reason.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Our Mission Statement And Why We Do What We Do?

Today we are focusing on the parts of the infinite universe that has become a really rich source of exciting revelations in terms of how the universe and all the contents of this amazing, expanding and freezing "wonderful reality" came to being?

The existence of life in this universe is as diverse as the stars and the materials that make up the planets, stars, comets, meteorites and all of the known moons that orbit exotic masses much as the helium filled planets and the icy companions that have lived together since the formations started to come together in what can only be described as a wonder of time itself!

Astronaut Secrets has a main objective and a truly amazing mission to unravel any and as much as possible until the truth and the secrets that are being hidden away from not only the public but the entire human race as a whole!

The mission that we started is ongoing and will be a ride like no other! 

Our mission statement is this;
To research and dissect as much information as possible and get everything we learn from this mission out to the public and never have any doubts about our starting reasons!

This is the image that has influenced the people here at Astronaut Secrets. This image is a glimpse into the vast universe and the brilliant wonders of the thing we call SPACE!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

The end

The beginning was alarming which hastily grew and in the end it was disarming, the same old story the likes of which was always disarming and really, really bad timing. Is this a number or history fading, the wheels of fortune in the hands of a loon. Masses medicated, spoon fed lies. Look in to my eyes there was no spies.
Strange events will occur - this event will be red, blue and white - events that will be a precursor to an event that shines down some will say is a fake and a lie. The event will be in all languages, it will be in all colors - beamed across the oceans and it'll will roar with a deafening wave of every voice. It will be in the form of a desperate answer, but for the one it shall be a wind across the soul. When the signals comes and the hour bells toll, the bridges will fall and the sky will fall, the efforts in vain but for the single new born brings hope under fire - the concrete and stars will shine no more but for the breath of a new day that's far away - it'll work for one day, then ten hours and them that know will fight about it, will hurt and die for it. It's worse than the truth itself, this knowing. It's the knowing, I know not why.  It just is, like the morning itself. The hunger for a new day is all but in vain. This is the masses and the two in the know. In a bright yellow lit hallway will be a scratch of red of which the color is known inside, its the red of fear and the red of hate, fear, hate and fear. Will it be a number or a distant memory, this I do not know?

Saturday, 18 March 2017

CERN Boffins ARE DEFINITELY Manipulating The Weather | Here's The PROOF

Now in an article published in Sat May 28th 2016 edition of the Express dot co dot uk. I found this that says CERN scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming. 

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs. OMG not only are they recreating big bangs, they're also recreating the weather! 

Just what the HELL are these despicable people at CERN doing? STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
This our home, we live here!
Your gonna mess this planet right up, you fools. It will be irreversible! Someone please step in and stop these power drunk fools from tearing this Earth a new butt hole!

Boffins from CERN have also discovered projected temperature increases over the next century may have been over estimated.

Researchers found trees may have been putting similar aerosols into the air as burning fossil fuels, long before the industrial revolution, meaning humans may have had less impact on the climate than we thought.

cern portal wallpaper

Scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming.

A study published this week in the journal Nature has looked more closely at the tiny particles within clouds, known as cloud seeds, that help cool the planet and found they can be produced naturally.

Clouds, including natural ones and those from aerosols, are seen by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the single biggest source of uncertainty about the so-called human-caused climate change.

The problem stems from not knowing how cloudy the world was before the industrial era, and the fact that some of the gases produced by burning fossil fuels said to warm the plant in the long-term, actually help cool it in the short-term through cloud formation.

But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs.

cern portal seen from space

Friday, 10 March 2017

The History Of Egypt Needs Rewriting - Alien Like ELONGATED SKULL STATUE...


An international team of German and Egyptian researchers has recovered an astonishing eight-meter quartzite statue which was found in a pit in a neighborhood in the Egyptian capital city of Cairo. According to the Cultural Ministry, if the statue is what the archaeologists suspect it to be then it might just be one of the most significant discoveries in Egyptian history. 

The intricately crafted statue, which clearly depicts a ruler, was found in the region which once lay in the shadows of the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Heliopolis, which lies in the east of modern day Cairo. According to the head of the Egyptian archaeological team, the archaeologists are currently completing their research and excavation of the site in order to confirm who the statue depicts. 

(Scroll down for video)



The archaeologists have not yet found any inscriptions on the statue which would definitively identify who the ancient king was. However, they are almost certain that the statue depicts Ramses II who founded the extraordinary sun temple which used to stand in this particular area. Researchers say that the sun temple, which was destroyed during the Greco-Roman age, was one of the largest and most intricate in Egypt as well as being one of the holiest and most culturally significant sites in the age of the ancient Egyptians.

According to Dietrich Raue, the head of the German team, the ancient Egyptian people believed that Heliopolis was the home of the sun god which meant that not even the pharaohs and their families were permitted to build their residences there.

The sun temple was one of the most important architectural projects undertaken by Pharaoh Ramses II which is considered by experts to have been one of the most powerful and respected rulers of the ancient Egyptian civilization. He was the third ruler of the nineteenth dynasty and was best known for his expansionist military endeavors across the continent of Africa. Under the reign of Ramses, the ancient Egyptian empire grew to encompass territory from Syria in the east to Sudan in the south. His military prowess led to his successors referring to him as the ‘great ancestor.'


READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/news/historic_discovery_german_and_egyptian_researchers_unearthed_enormous_colossus_near_cairo/138130

Black Knight Satellite Like You Have Never Seen It Before

This “Artificial Satellite” has caused mayor media interest since the late 50′s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space. First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight has gripped the interest of millions worldwide.

A 13,000 year old Satellite has been orbiting the polar regions on Earth. How did this very old 15 ton Satellite get into orbit? Is it an Alien craft that has been sent here to spy on us?The UFO Satellite was actually photographed on September 3rd 1960, seven months after it first appeared on radar, by a tracking camera at the Grumman’s Aircraft Factory on Long Island.

It could sometimes be seen from the ground as a red glowing object moving in an east-west orbit at a time when most satellites moved West-east. A committee was convened to examine the UFO Satellite phenomenon, but this just quietly slipped away from the public view.

Three years later American Astronaut Gordon Cooper was launched into space on a twenty-two orbit mission. During his final orbit, Cooper reported a UFO – he could see a glowing green object ahead of him in space which appeared to be closing in on his capsule. Cooper was reporting to the Muchea tracking station in Australia, who were able to detect the UFO on radar and confirmed that it was travelling in an East-West orbit. In 1899 a signal which was picked up by Nikola Tesla, coming from space.

This signal was picked up again on various occasions in the 1920’s by ham radio enthusiasts and there were many sightings by astronomers who watched and studied it. It made newspapers in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Pictures were taken in the 1960’s. his thing is still there today. It orbited the East to West unlike Earthly Satellites do. It’s huge! NASA has been taking photos of it for a few years now. In this video you will see all of the Dark Knight images. Including the ones you have not seen yet. This satellite caused Ham radio’s in the 50’s to go crazy. Nikola Tesla claimed that it was communicating in code. One man claimed that he decoded the message that was coming from the satellite. He claimed that it was a Star Map or diagram of epsilon bootes star system.

The American News giant NBC got hold of the story, but were forbidden to ask Cooper about the UFO on his landing. As pressure built up from questioners as to what actually happened up there, an “Official” explanation was issued – Astronaut Gordon Cooper, they said had hallucinated due to high levels of carbon dioxide in the space capsule. This thing is not a rock or a bird! It’s a Derelict ship of some kind. NASA claims this thing is an old ship. Maybe Russian. How did the Russian’s place such a large ship in space in the 50’s? Your input is needed! Please comment! Thanks for watching! Sorry for the typo on Highres.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017



On November the 17th, NASA’s STEREO satellites captured incredible images of what appeared to be a huge, brilliant blue sphere passing in front of the Sun. This remarkable sighting has generated a great deal of excitement and sparked a fierce battle of competing theories in the online space watching community. 


(Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) satellite array is tasked with studying the ‘structure and evolution of solar storms’ and sporadically uploads its images for public viewing. This particular image was made available to the general public without any commentary by the space agency.


Internet sleuths also noticed that the several frames of the bizarre blue sphere sighting appeared to be missing from the uploaded images. These suspicious circumstances prompted the widespread belief that NASA had inadvertently released something incredibly important into the public domain.

One camp has suggested that the blue globe as likely to be a gigantic UFO that probably caused the missing frames itself owing to its intense electromagnetic power. This theory seems to be verified by the sudden recovery of the satellites in the nearby vicinity which started to work against properly as soon as the blue globe disappeared from view.


The prophecy of the Hopi people has come true

However, this theory has not convinced everyone. Some people have suggested that the sphere might have actually been of an earthly origin and might have been a test run of the Blue Beam Project. Adherents of this theory think that various governments throughout the world are currently experimenting with holographic technology which will be utilized to make human beings believe that they are experiencing a doomsday scenario in the near future.

The fear and panic this situation will incite will then be exploited to install an all-powerful one-world government. The other major theory agrees that the blue sphere is a symbolic image of doomsday, but that it is certainly not a hologram. The Hopi, a community of Native Americans in Arizona with a direct link to the culture of the ancient Aztecs, believe that the history of the world is a cycle separated by catastrophic, epoch-ending events.

These people believe that when the Blue Kachina, a blue spherical object in the sky, can be seen that the Star People will seek shelter in the core of the Earth to escape the destruction of life on the surface. However, according to NASA, there is a much more mundane explanation. In a statement, the space agency said that “On rare occasions, the SECCHI image processor on board STEREO becomes overloaded, and produces corrupted images.

Because the images from the Heliospheric Imager (HI) telescopes are built up from a large number of exposures added together, this sometimes results in ‘double exposures, ’ where data from several telescopes appear in the same image.”

READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/news/blue_kachina_prophecy_nasa_image_shows_giant_blue_sphere_in_front_of_the_sun/138094

Monday, 6 March 2017

Surgeons Take Cash From A Man And Totally Disfigure This Poor Guy And Tu...


The make-up artist uses plastic surgery to transform himself into a genderless alien. A twenty-two-year-old make-up artist from Los Angeles in California named Vinny Ohh has spent $50,000 on more than a hundred different cosmetic surgery procedures in his quest to morph his physical appearance into that of a genderless alien.

The make-up artist uses plastic surgery to transform himself into a genderless alien. A twenty-two-year-old make-up artist from Los Angeles in California named Vinny Ohh has spent $50,000 on more than a hundred different cosmetic surgery procedures in his quest to morph his physical appearance into that of a genderless alien.

Vinny has been dabbling with plastic surgery for the past five years. So far, he has had two rhinoplasty, multiple cheeks and brow bone fillers and lip fillers. He always wears large black contact lenses, false nails, and dyes his hair a variety of different colors. He now intends to pay around $160,000 for the final stage of his surgical transformation which will involve having his genitals, nipples, and bellybutton removed.

I'm sorry but this guy is a freak.

Vinny has been very candid about his reasons for pursuing this extreme surgical journey. He says that he believes that he is androgynous and does not fully identify as either a male or a female. His look is intended to give an accurate physical representation of how he intellectualizes his non-binary gender identity. “The overall image I want to do is an alien. I want to be a hybrid, not male or female, ” he said, “I’ve wanted to be sexless and genderless since I was 17, I’ve been going to doctors to see if it’s possible but had no luck.” 

Vinny says that he does not reveal identity as trans and nor does he feel he comfortably slots into any pre-existing category of gender. “When people ask me how I’d label myself, I tell them an “extra-terrestrial, hot mess, self-obsessed” it’s becoming my slogan, ” Vinny explained. Speaking of his extreme physical transformation, he said. “I do it to inspire the world in a certain way; I want people to stop labeling others or putting them in boxes.

Vinny said that the public reaction towards him had been a mixed back. While he has received positive remarks, he has also experienced hostility. “Some people have said they want their kids to be like me and that I’m an inspiration for children who don’t feel like they belong, ” he said. On the other hand, he also explained that he had been physically attacked by strangers and had struggled with being sexually objectified by both men and women.

Thursday, 2 March 2017


The fascination for exploring and understand the unknown is a prevalent desire held by humanity as they strive to reach beyond the common knowledge. Scientists continue to study and reveal to us the magnificent phenomena that sprouts in our celestial neighbors. 

We have probes sent to the many corners of our solar system which has given us amazing detailed images and information about other worlds. The Saturn orbiter 'Cassini spacecraft' has captured some astonishing photographs of what appears to be mysterious objects caught in Saturn's rings.

One theory suggests that the solid objects were made in a recent collision, perhaps from caused disturbances by the moon 'Prometheus'. But it's not entirely sure and it still remains a mystery.

The Cassini mission is a project made in cooperation with NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, has designed, developed and assembled the orbiter and it's on board cameras. Watch the following video to know more!

The rings of Saturn are hiding a mystery UFO
Mysterious UFO in the rings of Saturn

Monday, 27 February 2017


Europe has been having a strange flux of radioactivity. The cause for this hasn’t been isolated. Although, the radioactivity has been narrowed down to be coming from small deposits of an iodine isotope, iodine-131.

Iodine-131 is a man-made radioactive isotope. It's a dangerous radioactive substance and it's all over Europe. Basically Europe is becoming a waste ground by way of radiation.

These deposits seem to be dotting a rough trail across Europe, starting in northern Norway, say officials.


Europe is in a bad way, radiation wise

These deposits of iodine-131 were first found in January. Even though these dangerous hot-spots of radioactivity have been known about for months, there have been no announcements until recently. The reasoning for this being held back was stated to be because the authorities were trying to figure out where these deposits had come from and determine why and how they were spreading.

One strange part about this is the fact that these deposits of iodine-131 weren’t found around any other radioactive materials, which is usually the case. But the most suspicious part about this is the fact that these deposits have been determined to be fairly recently placed or dumped in these areas. This can be determined by the isotope’s half-life, which is pretty short. A half-life, found by determining the time it takes for a radioactive substance to degrade, is the way scientists find out how long something has been around.

Radiation wallpaper

This is how carbon-dating is done, as well. Because of the short half-life of this radioactive material, the lack of other radioactive materials is more suspicious, as they would degrade at a slower rate and would be left long past the time it would take for the iodine-131 to disappear. One theory is that, because iodine-131 is most often associated with atomic bombs, there has been some secret tests of nuclear weapons being done in Norway. The fallout from these tests would likely be found in the surrounding areas, depending on the size of the tests.

Although a blast and fallout pattern would be expected to point towards a rough point of origin, with more material being found closest to an area, with less being found further away from the site. But the erratic patterns found by specially designed US planes have not been exactly consistent with this theory. Iodine-131 has also been associated with some medical facilities that treat for illnesses such as cancer. These seemingly random deposits could be from pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities that are dumping excess material illegally or have had unreported leaks.

Radiation wallpaper

The irony in this theory is not lost. But the proof of this has failed to be procured as well. Authorities from the French nuclear security body do state that these radioactive hot spots are not to be worried about and are not a threat to nearby residents. Further investigations are supposedly under way and will be diligently at work looking for the cause of these deposits and rectifying this troublesome situation.

Nuclear waste drum radiation wallpaper

Eye radiation wallpaper

READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/news/authorities_keep_it_secret_mysterious_radiation_from_iodine131_spreading_across_europe/137993


All the talk of newly discovered planets in nearby solar systems that look to sustain life is exciting scientists and extraterrestrial enthusiasts alike, including UFO Sightings Footage.

Amidst all of this research that delves into the possibilities of Alien's beyond our solar system, there are still a few scientists that are focusing on the possibility of life forms much closer to home. Namely, our own star, the sun.

Looking for Aliens on the surface of the Sun

Scientists have a whole slew of reasons for wanting to make this unprecedented expedition, with heat-loving extremophiles being one of many. Experts are planning on sending a spacecraft, named the Solar Probe Plus, to get as close as possible to the sun to get readings on a few things that some scientists have been yearning for answers about. NASA will be sending the probe some 90 million miles, which will get the probe close enough to get readings about emissions from beams of high-energy particles and solar wind speeds.

Alien on the sun image


These high-energy particles are being sprayed out from the sun at speeds that baffle researchers. The Solar Probe Plus should be able to get close enough and will be equipped to determine how these particles achieve the startling acceleration that they do. The craft will need to be unmanned because of the intense heat coming from the sun as well as the danger that these particles are hurtling through space at mind-boggling speeds present to astronauts.

The particles and heat can be dangerous to spacecraft as well, meaning that the Probe Plus will be armed with a nearly 5-inch thick hull made from a carbon alloy. Other systems will be put in place to ensure the safety of the vessel. The craft will be able to get within 4 million miles from the sun, which may seem far to us, but will be significantly closer that any other space craft has ever been able to get and will be an adequate distance to answer quite a few questions.

The significance of finding life able to withstand such an extreme environment would mean a lot to scientists everywhere. Even if this life is single-celled extremophiles, this could mean that we were wrong about many other solar systems and planets that we have rejected as being possible places for life.

alien on the sun image

Our Sun is being used by Aliens to recharge their UFOs

alien on the sun image

Star Trek Borg cube at our Sun in 2012

Star Trek Borg cube right next to our Sun (fact or fiction)

Borg cube from Star Trek is back at our Sun in 2016

Borg cube at our Sun

Now, saving the best for last, check this UFO out next to our Sun

Aliens are real and here is the proof

So that's it for now, I could put alot more images on here and these aren't even the very best. I want you to look up UFOs at our Sun and what you will find will blow your mind through the roof! Good luck.

Saturday, 25 February 2017


The Chinese government has found an alien laboratory. No, seriously, this is real. After finding the remains of what the government deemed to be the extraterrestrial science lab, the Chinese government immediately cracked down on the discovery. 

The communist regime wants to keep this recent phenomenon hidden from the world, with good reason. The Chinese people have been repressed for almost eighty years by their government and to introduce this latest finding, would cause an uproar domestically for the Chinese government.

What is even more astounding is the fact that the common Chinese citizens had no idea what was truly going on in today's day and age. Of course, this notion is also easily understood. Again, this goes back to the repressive nature of the communists in control. 

Scroll down for video.

Alien laboratory has been found in China and cordoned off by government officials
The Chinese people cannot educate themselves on issues that the communist regime deem to be inappropriate or detrimental to the Chinese state. This would include all of the matters that concern the possibility of life beyond our earth or even Alien life on this planet. 

Tubi Baigong pipes are ancient in terms of how old they are and very important to humans

After all is said and done, this raises multiple questions for the average outsiders with regards to this news report. First and foremost, is this an elaborate attempt to undermine the Chinese government? Perhaps, this is just a ruse to undermine the official's intelligence and prank the Chinese government, a jester's protest, of sorts...

Secondly, what do the Chinese Communist official's think about this situation? Major issues within China are dealt with in a shroud of secrecy from the common citizens of the longest-tenured communist government.

These pipes have been hidden in the underground itself
Ancient Alien technology
The third and perhaps the most important question is this, does extraterrestrial life exist? With findings such as this laboratory in China, it's hard to argue against the concrete truth that intelligent life does not exist and does not have an interest in exploring our earth, just as we have the interest in exploring the outer reaches of the cosmos.

Ancient tech

Now, this is where it get's upside down and inside out? This is ancient technology from Aliens of an age when the world looked nothing like it does now? This is futuristic technology then and still it is futuristic technology now, even though it is ancient, to us now! Right, easy.

So to have a lab on Earth must mean something like mineral exploration or colonisation experiments must be explored in the lab? There is quite literally many reasons why Aliens would have a lab here on Earth? Is it a lab to assess other Aliens of their same species on how living in space is affecting their bodies and or minds?

This video shows that Ancient peoples I.E Ancient kings ruled Earth and descended from Heaven to rule Earth around 241 thousand years ago which makes them ANCIENT peoples.

Like an outpost for rest, recuperation and leisurely activities? But obviously the most interesting theory must go to DNA experiments and or to combine or even expand human/Alien species to create another new species altogether?

Back down to Earth, this may turn out to be a humans laboratory that is just way ahead of his/her time doing things that without any knowledge of him/her now would look very Alien in origins?

Take for example, Leonardo Da Vinci. If not one person had ever heard of him and just today all his work, experimants and everything he did was uncovered, it would look like an Alien hybrids doing. That's all this could be?

Another Leo?

Jesus Christ last supper
The last supper

READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/news/chinese_government_closed_off_area_after_discovering_an_alien_laboratory/137968?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-2017-02-25&utm_source=email

Thursday, 9 February 2017


So you know that thing that you do, when you think something is to good to be true? You know, the thing with the eye roll's and the "whatever look", you know? BINGO! Well get a load of this...

CIA TOP SECRET documents purporting to say that in 1984 the CIA had a psychic do a remote viewing of Mars after been given coordinates to investigate and what he/she saw was what is really there according to Google Mars anyways?  

THE CIA EXPLORED MARS AND DISCOVERED AN ANCIENT GIANT ALIEN RACE ON MAY 22, 1984. Read the following pages and tellme what you think in the comments, thanks.

Pyramids on Mars and conspiracy theories
The CIA would use psychics to focus on and describe a time and location inside a sealed envelope. They tried to trick a psychic by making the location Mars and the time a Million years ago. The Monitor gives such specific coordinates, sometimes changing them only slightly as if there was more than one thing in the area to check out. It sure seems like they already know where to look. This is the amazing result:
  • They are tall ancient people. They're dying, it's past their time or age. They're looking for a way to survive and they just can't.

The Mars coordinates the psychic is first asked to focus on are 40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west. Here is what it looks like on Google Earth (Mars):

Here is the link to the original documents folks, please enjoy it at your leisurely pace, lol. P.S. Yes it is an official CIA pdf document.


Face on Mars from the psychics view was spot on correct

Now here's a real image of a more recent face on Mars that actually I found. This is from SOL 137 from the front page of NASA's actual website, I couldn't believe my frickin luck finding this! I'll provide a link to that official image aswell:


This is where you'll find the face, sheltered from the storms, just gazing out like it was petrified like turned to stone in the harsh atmosphere? I do believe in my heart that this is a real Alien that once lived on or visited Mars and died there, ending up in the place it is now! You can't deny that this isn't real!

Original source:


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Mona Lisa FULL AUTOPSY inside the lunar module, Apollo 20 Moon Mission -...

Full Mona Lisa Autopsy in the Lunar Module in space on the way back to Earth from the Moon bagged and tagged, ready for a good poking with needles and all manner of instruments by techys in lab coats!

This is super creepy and a wonder of the whole universe! The Alien known as Mona Lisa is now on planet Earth recovered from her own UFO on the Moon.

There's not much to say other than watch this amazing real Alien autopsy take place in front of your eyes! This is the full version!

Woman with itchy nose horrified to find she had a COCKROACH living in her head!

DOCTORS have removed a live cockroach from a woman's SKULL. Just when you thought that irritating "itch" was pollen or your partners FEET?

It turn's out that it is a COCKROACH and it's hungry for more of your lovely nose goo! Please don't let this ever happen to me!

How the hell did a cockroach get in to this poor woman's nose in the first place? It must of been so traumatic when it was fished out? I wonder if she was under when it was taken out?

So, I found this amazing post on the old interweb and it's a nightmare scenario because the woman in question actually did not expect this to pop out of her nose? Imagine if it laid egg's? Would she be the momma? Can we expect to have her give them names? It doesn't bare thinking actually when I think about it, lol. Of course it had to be India didn't it? India is known for this type of stuff because of the climate.

Cockroach in a bag up a woman's nose  

A 42-year-old woman from Madras called Selvi, was fast asleep when she felt a tingling sensation in her nose. She said: "I couldn't explain the feeling but I was sure it was some insect. There was a tingling, crawling sensation. "Whenever it moved, it gave me a burning sensation in my eyes. I spent the entire night in discomfort."

Cockroach lying on its back looking all relaxed

Solve visited her local doctor who referred her to the Government Stanley Medical College Hospital the next morning, where doctors performed an emergency nasal endoscopy. They found the cockroach sitting on the skull base, between Selvi's eyes - and it was alive. "This is the first such case I have seen in my three decades of practice," said Dr M N Shankar, head, ENT department at the hospital.

Man with cockroach on his face

Recalling the hours of trauma, Selvi, a domestic worker living in Injambakkam, said her immediate reaction after feeling the crawling sensation in the right nostril was to brush it off in half sleep. But before she could do anything, it went inside. Even the doctors at Stanley Medical College Hospital, who have seen their share of maggots and houseflies in nostrils, were shocked to find a cockroach lodged inside the skull.

Woman looking disgusted

"It was sitting in the skull base, between the two eyes, close to the brain. If left inside, it would have died before long and the patient would have developed infection which would have spread to the brain," Dr Shankar added. The doctors removed the cockroach using clamps and sucker. Dr Shankar said: "It was difficult to remove it because of the place it was sitting in. I had to first drag it to a place from where I could pull it out. It was finally removed after 45 minutes."

As we all know hurting animals and insects goes against some peoples instincts and beliefs, BUT put yourself in this poor, poor ladies shoes and yes you guessed it! This is a no hold's barred punch up of the most cruelest because it would be a one sided fight all the way till December! I would not talk to it, I'd just punch it up in the mouth!