Friday 20 January 2017

Elvis Presley is found ALIVE and well at Graceland Birthday Gathering. Hiding in plain sight!

Is these photo(s) taken at Graceland, it could prove once and for all that Elvis Presley "did not die" and in fact faked his own death? These images are doing the rounds on social media and on conspiracy theorists websites (like this one) and are claiming that, this is THEE legendary man himself? The actual post that we found this on first was the internet weird section of

Is this Elvis Presley now and is that his new look so he can hide in plain sight?
Elvis Presley at Graceland on his 82nd birthday

Check this out

IS ELVIS Presley alive? Conspiracy theory fans believe he could be alive after photos emerged appearing to show the rock icon, hiding in plain sight at a event marking his own birthday.

Elvis Presley hiding in plain sight with his bodyguards in the background
Elvis and his bodyguards

Fans of the music legend, who died in 1977 aged 42, believe a man snapped in a photo taken this week could be him. The picture shows a bearded man wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap standing at the back of a crowd celebrating Presley’s birthday with a cake-cutting ceremony at his Graceland home. He also appears to have bodyguards positioned behind him, raising suspicions online he is Elvis.

The photo was posted on a Facebook page which shares photos purporting to show Elvis alive today. One user said: “I did notice that man at a few points during the video and wondered if it was him.

  • “I thought, he's hiding in plain sight again. The people next to him probably have no idea.” 
 Another said:
  • “When I watched it I got so excited when I noticed the man and saw the TCB jacket and hat.

  • “I knew it was Elvis straight away, i'm so happy he got to spend his birthday celebration with his fans.”

A third said:

  • “Must be our Elvis. The bodyguards are so obvious. Wish I was there so much. I would have noticed him.”

That's all from the and after rummaging around the internet for a while I found lot's of other photo's purporting to show Elvis alive and well? So I thought I would add some more images of them and just show you how much these look similar to the "Elvis" in out images?

This looks like Elvis Presley and looks similar to our images?
Looks similar to our images above?

You must admit these people look similar to our people in our images?
An overweight and very "grey haired" looking icon of rock and roll?

I saved this one for last because it really could be Elvis Presley alive and looking very... well, not dead!
Elvis Presley looking not dead?

Now I don't even know if Elvis is alive or dead? He is supposed to be dead by official terms. He had a funeral and a wake, grieving time and a very public burial. But, conspiracy theorists claim that it is very easy to fake a death, especially if you have the means, the money, the loyal family, loyal friends and even more loyal officials in strategic places?

Elvis Presley had all that AND much, much more! He could of faked the Mona Lisa if he wanted to, he had that much sway and influence around the world. You see, Elvis not only had the USA at his beck and call but also he had the world in his palms just as much? In other word's, Elvis Presley could of faked going to the moon if he wanted to and they would still be teaching it in schools to this day, again if he wanted?

Power and influence is one thing this guy had in bundles. He was called the King of rock and roll for one reason, he ruled it. Being the King or being the Prince of anything is power and privilege, end of! One thing I do know is this, people with far, far less power have successfully faked their own deaths. Faking something in 1977 was probably easier then nowadays?

Well, that's my take on this. Elvis could be or he could not be dead? I suppose that answer is and has to be, up to you? We definitely won't have any officials or spokesperson come forward any time soon saying yes, he did fake his death and he does not regret it! Talking about privacy and the right to have a life? If it's illegal, then good luck prosecuting that one?

In 1957 Elvis Presley is at his Graceland home seen here in this picture
Elvis Presley looking so cool

Saturday 14 January 2017

REVEALED: The truth about the "800 year-old mobile phone" that has sparked claims that time travel is REAL

Watch this cool video...

Is time travel real? Well, if you ask me "I believe it is real"? If it is or not for real, is another matter? But, my belief is that yes it is real. We all have our own beliefs and mine happens to be this one plus many more other controversial subjects? My reasoning is this;
  • LHC or CERN as it's known is opening up different realities (maybe) in this reality which is totally controversial because only one reality cannot exist at one time, another reality therefore stands to reason that you can't open another reality in that reality, therefore can you open it up here? Do you open it up in the 20th century or the 1st century? This tell's me that they can time travel in that respect but only with signals?
  • Sending signals at the speed of light or near the speed of light - or even just more than the speed of light means you go backwards (I think) in time therefore if you have a "specific" receiver you can send messages backwards in time - to be picked up of which is on a loop so an exact time does not have to be picked to be sent to, then it might be able to be done like that, maybe?
  • I have many other theories but at this time I cannot say for lack of proof...
The "Sumerian mobile phone" in this story looks surprisingly like the old Nokia phones? If that's on purpose then it is pretty poor at an attempt to make us all believe that it's from the future, or even from the past? Did Nokia reverse engineer one of these phones? But in all reality, I believe that this is fake! I believe it's fake because the Sumerian Cuneiform screams that this is fake? It is a stupidly funny attempt to dupe us all conspiracy theorists.

I cannot accept this as proof of time travel or that once there was an advanced civilisation with mobile phones that looked like Nokia's? However, I do believe in advanced civilisations from the very past but not that this phone came from it is what I'm trying to say? Like the screw embedded in the molten rock which dates from pre-civilisations in the northern hemisphere. I'm sorry but this stuff is just ludicrous and a terrible attempt at convincing us that advanced peoples existed once long ago on earth?

You would be better to try and convince us with a hands free device used by Dinosaurs or that Fred Flintstone was actually an biography cartoon! It simply does not stack up if I'm being honest? Now if there was a signal that was picked up then maybe? Like the WOW signal? That was a good indicator that we're not alone in the universe? Because a signal can tell us things that are going to happen or it can tell us things that happened but only such and such people know about it?

I believe that "time travel" is real but only in signal type, frequency ways? Like blasting out a signal on a frequency as yet unknown or a light source as yet to be made known or invented and detected? Now that for me, would be most interesting and more believable because the implications to that are probably sound in terms of science? It would need a whole new science especially if it is a new altogether invention? I would love to hear your thoughts or comments on that please?

Here is the original story I found on the internet about this;


THIS image of an alleged 800-year-old mobile phone allegedly dug up by archaeologists went viral after emerging online.

Stories filled the internet with speculation the object could even be proof of time travel. But, now can reveal just where the image came from and how it was used to spread the hoax story. Video clips of the alleged bizarre discovery emerged in September 2015. The conspiracy theory story accompanying the discovery claimed the object was unearthed during a dig in Austria. It was said to be a clay copy of a mobile phone with a Sumerian writing style known as cuneiform on the keys.

YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible reported: "What is it? Is it evidence of an advanced civilisation or time travel?” The tablet was dated to around the 13th century BCE. By that time, the Sumerian writing style – usually known as cuneiform - had already been around for a few thousand years. Editorial on the channel goes on to say: “Cuneiform tablets aren’t unusual – an estimated two million have been excavated. The language was a mystery until the 19th century when its code was deciphered."

Cuneiform was one of the first systems of writing developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3,500BC to 3,000 BC. When the news of the discovery broke, conspiracy website reported: "According to reports, during archaeological excavations at Fuschl am See, (in Salzburg), Austria, researchers unearthed a mysterious artefact from the thirteenth century with cuneiform writing that strangely resembles a cell phone. "This type of writing is typically found in modern-day Iran or Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia).

"What a device like this with Cuneiform writing is doing in Austria is something that no one is able to fully understand or explain. "Regrettably the information about this ‘sensational’ discovery is limited." The website added: "We cannot explain what it is, whether it is real or not, but it has caught our attention and we would love to know more about it." Some UFO hunters even pounced on the "discovery" as "evidence of aliens visiting ancient civilisations on Earth, and bringing sophisticated technology to the more primitive beings," without questioning the validity of the claims.

Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, concluded: “It is evident from this cell phone like device that someone with an advanced knowledge of the future created it. "The language is said to go back tens of thousands of years…very cool discovery." The lack of originating detail about the footage, which just shows a white-gloved hand holding the clay sculptured object in close-up concerned most commentators, who said if it were genuine it could be proof of time travel and sensational world news.

Ancient Code website reported: "Most of you will remain sceptical about the discovery, and trust me so do I. "There are two things that just don’t add up. "First of all discovering anything that resembles cuneiform writing in Austria is an extraordinary finding since great distance separated Austria and Ancient Mesopotamia, so it is a true mystery how the object ended up in Europe. "Secondly, and the most mysterious part of the finding is in fact that the objects eerily resembles a modern-day cellphone.

“You can clearly make out the nine "keys" in the lower part of the artefact which are positioned in a way mimicking the keys on a cellphone. "Obviously we cannot avoid considering the possibility that this artefact is a hoax. "Finding something like this is more than sensational and points to the possibility that its creator could have seen a similar device in the distant past. What does this mean? "Well, it means that it is possible that in the distant past, someone saw something that resembled a communication device like a mobile phone and decided to recreate the device in stone."

But the lack of checkable information on the dig and the startling similarity to a cell phone handset had many online posters convinced it was just an imaginative hoax. And it turns out they were right. was contacted by Karl Weingartner, of the Art Replik studio in Germany, who revealed the phone was a piece of artwork he created, and the images of it were stolen to create the hoax. The story about it being found by archaeologists was completely fabricated.

He said: “I am the producer of this clay-tablet cellphone with cuneiform letters on it. “My photo of this artwork went around the world. “More than 500 newspapers reported from the so called "Alien-mobile-phone" and used the photo from a YouTube Video from Paranormal Crucible. “Paranormal crucible used my photo without my permission.”

Ancient laptop in ancient paintings contacted Paranormal Crucible to comment. Someone from the channel, calling herself Marie, said the images of the phone are likely to have come from a subscriber to the YouTube channel, where much of her material came from. She also denied "breaching anyone's copyright" and said the original story tip off had come from a Reddit thread or another conspiracy theory website.

Ancient mobile cell phone

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Worlds best kept secret, The Baltic Sea Anomaly. Crashed UFO under water

The Baltic sea anomaly is a crashed UFO (flying saucer) and has been there for a very, very long time according to scientists and archaeologists including geologists and me! It's practically turned to stone or should I say "the stuff that covers it that has grown on it over the Millennia has petrified" and that's what makes this datable and it is old!

Not as old as my ex but still VERY old. This thing is pre ice-age and pre humans as we know them today. It has stairs, it has streamlined shapes and a forward looking portal. The stairs are just killer and say's to me that when this thing went down, the occupants lowered the stairs and made an exit? Now that could be pure speculation but sounds about right to me?

I reckon this thing weighs at least 20 tons or more? With the growth it could be 30 tons or more? The scorched earth behind it screams thrusters burning out or on full thrust which is why we see a massive ditch bigger than the "scratched earth" behind it. It looks to me as if it was deliberately ditched and carefully manoeuvred in to place as best they could so it stayed upright? The lines and angles on the outside of the (BSA) craft bear a startling resemblance to the popular TV show's "Star Gate" Pyramid designs?

If you've seen the show, then you'll know what I mean? Even the Star Gate itself has the same design?

The lines and angles on this Chevron look very much like the Baltic sea anomaly design?
Similar design as to the Baltic sea anomaly, same angles and lines?

This Pyramid has the same design as the Baltic sea anomaly UFO

THIS 200ft wide object 300ft below the Baltic, with its ‘staircase leading to a dark hole’ has baffled oceanographers since its discovery in 2012.

This video shows the Appolo Moon Mission 20 qactually going to the Moon to recover Alien technology from a crashed UFO BUT they got more than they ever could of imagined? They actually found two Aliens and one Alien that was destroyed probably upon impact when the UFO went down? The supposed captain of the UFO was a woman nicknamed "Mona Lisa" by the crew.

She was nicknamed this because of how she looked when they took away the tube like apparatus that was attached to her face? She is very, very pretty and of outstanding beauty. The video below is by far the best evidence so far and probably to date of the existence of Aliens? Because there's no atmosphere on the Moon, she was estimated to have been there for hundreds of thousands of years just by the state of preservation alone? Which needed to be thawed out.

Here is the source of the post.

The start of the post...
Now explorers believe they are one step closer to discovering the truth behind the mysterious 140,000-year-old Baltic Sea Anomaly. Bearing a striking resemblance to the Star Wars Millennium Falcon, the Baltic Sea Anomaly appears to be formed of pieces of angular metal – prompting claims it is a crashed UFO. Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team of marine explorers discovered the strange object during a dive searching for an old shipwreck. Instead he discovered the so-called Anomaly.

The Baltic sea anomaly is a crashed ufo sat on the sea floor full of technology and maybe a dead Alien or two?
UFO on the sea floor full of technology wonders and wonders of the solar system

Denis Asberg, who made the discovery alongside Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it there is a lot of loose rocks. “The trail starts from here. Actually there is two trails. There is the one that leads to this large circle. Then there is another trail that leads to the second object which is about 200 metres from the round circle. We found it at the same time as the circle.

But we had such focus on the circle that we have not had enough time to look at the other object. It is not circular. “We were really surprised and puzzled. We were thinking what is that we have found here. This is not a wreck. At that time we thought for sure there was a natural explanation. “We wanted to look into it some more and decided to keep this totally quiet. We contacted geologists, marine biologists and when they said they had never seen anything like this, of course more thoughts were triggered. It could be something really awesome that we’ve found.”

Apollo 20 was a manned mission to the Moon to recover Aliens and technology
Apollo manned Moon mission to recover Alien technology and Alien bodies, it was a SUCCESS!
Even more intriguingly a structure that looks like a staircase appears to lead to a dark hole with a second structure found nearby. Speculation is rife over what the object could be with some saying it could be an anti-submarine device left over from World War Two, a battleship gun turret or indeed a flying saucer. Despite looking like a huge rock, scientists say the structure appears to be made of metal. Electric and satellite diving equipment reportedly cuts out when near the object.

Stefan Hogerborn, a professional diver with Ocean X, said: “Anything electric out there, and the satellite phone as well, stopped working when we were above the object, then when we got away about 200 metres, it turned on again.” Mr Lindberg’s Ocean X team are continuing to investigate the object, five years after making the initial discovery while exploring the floor of the Bothnian Sea between Sweden and Finland. Sonar has found drag marks behind the object and geologist Steve Weiner says according to his tests, the structure is not a geological formation.

This is an amazing discovery and will go down in history! It need's to be recovered if you can? It's design is beautiful. It is pure Alien technology from the outside to the inside which we cannot see, YET!
Artist impression of the Baltic sea anomaly underwater crashed UFO
The best artist impression of the Baltic sea anomaly
An Ocean X interpretation of what the Baltic Sea Anomaly may look like based on their data.

Millenium Falcon looks just like the Baltic sea anomaly
Millennium Falcon looks like the crashed UFO

The Baltic Sea Anomaly bears a striking resemblance to the Millennium Falcon

He said the object is made of “metals which nature could not reproduce itself”. Sat nearly 300ft below the surface and measuring 26ft tall, the marine explorers found the strange craft with a side-scan sonar. Mr Lindberg said: “I have been the biggest sceptic, I was kind if prepared for finding just stone. For me it has been an amazing experience. “I think it is very odd in its shape. It is tough to give an explanation as to what it might be exactly, since different scientists have many different theories. “Whatever it is, it is something we do not usually find in nature sitting in the dark cold depths of the Baltic Sea.”

The Baltic sea
Baltic Sea

The formation was found on the seabed of the Baltic Sea

The formation was found on the seabed of the Baltic Sea
The sea bed
Ocean X found the Baltic Sea Anomaly with a side-scan sonar

It is thought the object could be at least 140,000 years old after a university professor linked the mysterious disc to the Ice Age. Volker Bruchert, an associate professor of geology at Stockholm University, said: “My hypothesis is that this object, this structure was formed during the Ice Age many thousands of years ago.” Ocean X is expected to return to the wreck to continue investigating the discovery. Mr Lindberg said: "We will pretty much just be able to do the same things as we did in 2012. It is not for sure yet but since we're involved in a new TV project it might give us the opportunity."

Denis Asberg, who made the discovery alongside Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it there is a lot of loose rocks. “The trail starts from here. Actually there is two trails. There is the one that leads to this large circle. Then there is another trail that leads to the second object which is about 200 metres from the round circle. We found it at the same time as the circle. But we had such focus on the circle that we have not had enough time to look at the other object. It is not circular.

“We were really surprised and puzzled. We were thinking what is that we have found here. This is not a wreck. At that time we thought for sure there was a natural explanation. “We wanted to look into it some more and decided to keep this totally quiet. We contacted geologists, marine biologists and when they said they had never seen anything like this, of course more thoughts were triggered. It could be something really awesome that we’ve found.”

Thursday 5 January 2017

Did the Large Hadron Collider create TIME TRAVEL? "Machine was shut down after a plane vanishes"

CERN is a Time Machine but they deny everything and insist that what they do is scientific and that they are examining hydrogen particles and other things that they make by slamming particles together at near the speed of light? But we all know that this is just a very carefully crafted back story or "cover story" if you like? They are covering up everything and even going as far as to even do the back story experiments so that they can produce new information on that subject.

But all the while they are focussed on the main objective which is Time Travel. They are sending signals out and receiving them. What I know about CERN is pure conjecture and all just a theory because I don't have anyone on the inside or even know anyone? But if you just examine what is going on around you, you'll see it makes sense.

Did you know they have just added a NEW HUMAN ORGAN to the table which now brings the total to 79 organs in the human body! I think they've added this new organ in the very distant past through DNA manipulation and now this new organ will eradicate digestive diseases! They've even set up a new science for it it's called Mesentery science! A whole new science is mind boggling to grasp! Here is the link to that post.

Here's the initial story about CERN
THE Large Hadron Collider "created a 'time warp' that sent a passenger jet thousands of miles off course" in the blink of an eye and caused a massive power black out, it has shockingly been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists have sensationally claimed the LCH caused time travel.
CERN does not care about ANY consequences that they cause!
Conspiracy theorists have sensationally claimed the LCH caused time travel. The huge scientific experiment, which is used to collide particles to discover more about how the universe formed, opened a time portal meaning an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 ended up landing 5,500 miles from where it was supposed to, conspiracy theorists say. Built among miles of tunnels under the Swiss-French border, the complex machine is run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Original story post link;
Claims are now ride CERN scientists shut down the LHC during an experiment immediately after the incident with the plane. An article on website Freedom Fighter Times said: "The power released from the LHC was so strong that it sent a time warp across the planet. "What really happened can best be explained as a massive power outage all across South America." The report said CERN scientists began a series of experiments during which they discovered their testing was "distorting our Earth’s magnetic field and had 'shot off' a 'time wave' towards the core of the planet”.

LARGE HADRON: The LCH is the biggest scientific experiment on Earth.
Time Travel is real guys
LARGE HADRON: The LCH is the biggest scientific experiment on Earth.

Tracking showed the wave veered exactly towards the ‘Sun Gate’ high in the Bolivian Andes mountains, the report said. The report added the “initial ‘time wave’ spawned by the LHC” erupted from the ‘Sun Gate’ and headed out towards the space above South America. The wave then “glanced into the path of an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 flown by Air Comet which was ready to begin its descent into Santa Cruz, Bolivia, but then found itself ‘instantly and mysteriously’ over the skies of Santa Cruz, in Tenerife, Spain, over 5,500 miles away”. All 170 passengers and the crew of flight A7-301 were safe, and after 17 hours on the ground in Spain the departed back to Bolivia. The bizarre plane incident is said to have happened on November 1 2009.

COMPLEX: Cables powering the huge collider.
Very complex science
A day later CERN lost power at the LHC and announced some days later in a statement a bird had dropped a piece of baguette onto the machinery, causing the shut down. The report added: "After this mysterious event CERN scientists shut down the LHC blaming their failed experiment on a bird dropping a piece of bread onto outdoor machinery. "After which their Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, warned that the titanic LHC machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or 'unknown unknowns' such as an 'extra dimension'".

The report, and other similar ones went onto claim, even after the LHC was shut down, “dimensional distortions” created in South America by the “time wave” continued and caused the Gateway of the Sun monolith to send out what Russian scientists likened to a "digital communication”. This was said to have been blasted towards thousands of Pyramids and other ancient sites in Brazil and the Andes Region, leading to a massive power outage plunging “tens-of-millions of people into darkness".

Former Whitby Town councillor Simon Parkes claimed he stopped LCH scientists allowing Satan through a portal last year.

Former Whitby Town councillor Simon Parkes claimed he stopped LCH scientists allowing Satan through

So is any of this true? Well it is true that CERN had been testing the LHC on November 1, after it was out of action for more than a year, following a previous power failure. It is also true CERN had to postpone the test runs of the LHC on November 2, 2009, after the bird dropped bread into an external electricity supply cutting power to the machine, as announced in a press release some days later. There are also reports online that flight A7-301 ended up at Santa Cruz, in Tenerife, instead of the same in Bolivia, with 170 passengers on board, with no explanation initially given.

However, there was no suggestion in these reports of any time anomalies. In fact the flight was said to be five hours into the journey over the Atlantic, when pilots were denied access to Brazilian airspace, and had to return, taking a further six hours to reach the diverted airport. It is also true that on November 11, 2009, a power cut affected millions of people in Brazil for two hours, and in Paraguay for 20 minutes. But the cause of this was given as a huge hydroelectric dam suddenly malfunctioning. The Itaipu dam, across the two borders stopped producing 17,000 megawatts of power. The cause was not determined at the time, but was thought to be strong storms uprooting trees near the dam.

One wild theory is the LCH could pull an asteroid towards Earth, something CERN denies.
CERN denies everything
Sceptics say conspiracy theorists are very good at filling in blanks and joining dots. They also monitor news sites, so when events like these occur around the same time, they piece them together to create a new theory. This, coupled with a distrust of most official explanations for unexpected events, means there is only going to be one outcome and a theory is born which then travels like wildfire over various websites, debunkers claim.

According to the neutral website it is easy for the theories to begin and travel. A report on the website said: "For a conspiracy theory to get started, there has to be something that a conspiracy theorist can use, something that doesn't make sense. In some conspiracy theories, it's something very small. "A conspiracy theorist might notice dozens of other anomalies.

The power released from the LHC was so strong that it sent a time warp across the planet. What really happened can best be explained as a massive power outage all across South America. Freedom Fighter Times

"So the conspiracy theorist notices one or more things that do not "make sense" in the official story. "Any one of these discrepancies might be enough to get a person's attention." This is not the first conspiracy theory to surface about the LHC. A host of claims say there is something more sinister behind the complex machine than answering the mysteries of how the Universe started.

They believe if the particle smasher does not create a black hole that swallows up our world, it will pull an asteroid towards us, trigger monster earthquakes, or open a portal to allow Satan in to finish his work.

But CERN has released an official statement to allay all of these fears, and disputes the LHC is dangerous at all. It disputes the LHC is dangerous at all. The statement said: "Although powerful for an accelerator, the energy reached in the LHC is modest by nature’s standards.

CERN insists the LCH experiments are perfectly safe.
CERN is not safe despite what they say?
"Cosmic rays – particles produced by events in outer space – collide with particles in the Earth’s atmosphere at much greater energies than those of the LHC. "These cosmic rays have been bombarding the Earth’s atmosphere as well as other astronomical bodies since these bodies were formed, with no harmful consequences.

"These planets and stars have stayed intact despite these higher energy collisions over billions of years." CERN said: "The LHC will not generate black holes in the cosmological sense. "However, some theories suggest that the formation of tiny 'quantum' black holes may be possible. "The observation of such an event would be thrilling in terms of our understanding of the Universe; and would be perfectly safe."

Wednesday 4 January 2017

SHOCKING NEW DISCOVERY: New human organ has been found to treat digestive diseases, WTF!

The mesentery has now been classified as a single organ
Brand new organ found

WTF is going on in this crazy ass world? We've only just found another organ in the human body bringing the total number of organs to 79... I can't believe that we have only just found this, it's crazy to think that our medical institute is only just discovering new organs? I thought we was or had been the best in the world? Am I crazy? Tell me this is a joke?

It's like finding a new planet right behind the moon? How was this over looked? What will the medical world think of this? Why hasn't this been made clearer sooner? Who's in charge of the teaching, medical institute? The chief General, Medical, Surgeon or whatever they go by in this country - because he/she need's to be sacked big time and he/she cannot blame it on anyone else because it happened on their watch!

Please watch this awesome video.

What next, they're going to tell us that they've found a mutant gene within our existing genes and that Marvel was spot on? Are we going to start seeing grown men in leotards and underpants with some crazy, stupid name like Chief, General Big Undies to the rescue? Fighting crime and criminals in the name of suspenders and all things medical that's still to come? I hope they find my brain so I can prove some people wrong? lol.

I'm adding this as I just thought of something else, if you believe that the good folks at CERN are colliding realities and time travelling, then whose to say that they haven't gone back in time and added a new frickin organ? Who know's what the human race is getting up to in 2 thousand years? Have they gone back in time and introduced a new piece of DNA in to our mix and so it will only show up now and do something in the future when they need it say something to cure digestive diseases?

DNA and time travel humans going back in history changing US ALL

This is just mind boggling because it gives me hope that soon "in this reality" not the other reality where Hillary Clinton is supreme overlord of the Galaxy, lol - that humanity is really in control of their future, our future? What else does this say to me? It speak's volumes and just when you think it can't get any better than this, something else just like this jumps up from out of "left field" and grabs you by the balls and shout's "look at me" I'm proof that time travel is real and it is NOT a problem that we can't do it now because even if it only turns out to be a reality in 50 thousand years, that mean's we can come back to now, yesterday and tomorrow if you want to?

I mean a whole new area of science just being created NOW? I seriously cannot get my head around this as I thought we'de (humans) has conquered medical science way back when Jack the Ripper was just getting started? How is it that they totally overlooked this? That's what get's my thought's running and I keep coming back to time travel and what better purpose for time travelling than go way back in to history and plant new DNA into the existing population so that in the future, we can eradicate a disease!!!! I mean that deserves another !

What is going on people at CERN because that's whom I blame? In the year 3145 are they going back in time? Since they can only send light back "NOW" and pick that up on a receiver that they designed. So they must at one stage be able to send physical stuff through time and space? I'm not an expert, and I don't begin to understand the in's and out's of time travel but as an idiot looking in on this, I want to believe this?

Here's the actual wacky story I found online about this:

The mesentery used to be classified as a single structure
Amazing diagram of the human body (inside)

Please understand this word right there below underlined, A NEW and the word discovered! Also the word unimportant!
A NEW human organ which could hold the key to treating digestive diseases has been discovered.
The mesentery has now been classified as one single organ, which connects the abdomen to the intestine, after being previously described as an unimportant group of structures.

The discovery now brings the total number of human organs to 79. Irish researcher J Calvin Coffey, from University Hospital Limerick in Ireland, began researching the role of the mesentery in 2012.

Digestive tube histology
Weird looking human organ

Since then he has gathered enough research to prove it should be classified as an organ, rather than just a single structure. The mesentery is a double fold of peritoneum, the abdominal cavity lining, which keeps everything together. He said: "When we approach it like every other organ we can categorise abdominal disease in terms of this organ."

Writing in ‘The Lancet Gastroenterology & Herpetology’, he said: "In the paper, which has been peer reviewed and assessed, we are now saying we have an organ in the body which hasn’t been acknowledged as such to date.
  • “The anatomic description that had been laid down over 100 years of anatomy was incorrect. This organ is far from fragmented and complex. It’s simply one continuous structure. 
  • “The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease.
  • “Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science, the basis for a whole new area of science."
The total of number of human organs is now at 79