Thursday 5 January 2017

Did the Large Hadron Collider create TIME TRAVEL? "Machine was shut down after a plane vanishes"

CERN is a Time Machine but they deny everything and insist that what they do is scientific and that they are examining hydrogen particles and other things that they make by slamming particles together at near the speed of light? But we all know that this is just a very carefully crafted back story or "cover story" if you like? They are covering up everything and even going as far as to even do the back story experiments so that they can produce new information on that subject.

But all the while they are focussed on the main objective which is Time Travel. They are sending signals out and receiving them. What I know about CERN is pure conjecture and all just a theory because I don't have anyone on the inside or even know anyone? But if you just examine what is going on around you, you'll see it makes sense.

Did you know they have just added a NEW HUMAN ORGAN to the table which now brings the total to 79 organs in the human body! I think they've added this new organ in the very distant past through DNA manipulation and now this new organ will eradicate digestive diseases! They've even set up a new science for it it's called Mesentery science! A whole new science is mind boggling to grasp! Here is the link to that post.

Here's the initial story about CERN
THE Large Hadron Collider "created a 'time warp' that sent a passenger jet thousands of miles off course" in the blink of an eye and caused a massive power black out, it has shockingly been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists have sensationally claimed the LCH caused time travel.
CERN does not care about ANY consequences that they cause!
Conspiracy theorists have sensationally claimed the LCH caused time travel. The huge scientific experiment, which is used to collide particles to discover more about how the universe formed, opened a time portal meaning an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 ended up landing 5,500 miles from where it was supposed to, conspiracy theorists say. Built among miles of tunnels under the Swiss-French border, the complex machine is run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Original story post link;
Claims are now ride CERN scientists shut down the LHC during an experiment immediately after the incident with the plane. An article on website Freedom Fighter Times said: "The power released from the LHC was so strong that it sent a time warp across the planet. "What really happened can best be explained as a massive power outage all across South America." The report said CERN scientists began a series of experiments during which they discovered their testing was "distorting our Earth’s magnetic field and had 'shot off' a 'time wave' towards the core of the planet”.

LARGE HADRON: The LCH is the biggest scientific experiment on Earth.
Time Travel is real guys
LARGE HADRON: The LCH is the biggest scientific experiment on Earth.

Tracking showed the wave veered exactly towards the ‘Sun Gate’ high in the Bolivian Andes mountains, the report said. The report added the “initial ‘time wave’ spawned by the LHC” erupted from the ‘Sun Gate’ and headed out towards the space above South America. The wave then “glanced into the path of an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 flown by Air Comet which was ready to begin its descent into Santa Cruz, Bolivia, but then found itself ‘instantly and mysteriously’ over the skies of Santa Cruz, in Tenerife, Spain, over 5,500 miles away”. All 170 passengers and the crew of flight A7-301 were safe, and after 17 hours on the ground in Spain the departed back to Bolivia. The bizarre plane incident is said to have happened on November 1 2009.

COMPLEX: Cables powering the huge collider.
Very complex science
A day later CERN lost power at the LHC and announced some days later in a statement a bird had dropped a piece of baguette onto the machinery, causing the shut down. The report added: "After this mysterious event CERN scientists shut down the LHC blaming their failed experiment on a bird dropping a piece of bread onto outdoor machinery. "After which their Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, warned that the titanic LHC machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or 'unknown unknowns' such as an 'extra dimension'".

The report, and other similar ones went onto claim, even after the LHC was shut down, “dimensional distortions” created in South America by the “time wave” continued and caused the Gateway of the Sun monolith to send out what Russian scientists likened to a "digital communication”. This was said to have been blasted towards thousands of Pyramids and other ancient sites in Brazil and the Andes Region, leading to a massive power outage plunging “tens-of-millions of people into darkness".

Former Whitby Town councillor Simon Parkes claimed he stopped LCH scientists allowing Satan through a portal last year.

Former Whitby Town councillor Simon Parkes claimed he stopped LCH scientists allowing Satan through

So is any of this true? Well it is true that CERN had been testing the LHC on November 1, after it was out of action for more than a year, following a previous power failure. It is also true CERN had to postpone the test runs of the LHC on November 2, 2009, after the bird dropped bread into an external electricity supply cutting power to the machine, as announced in a press release some days later. There are also reports online that flight A7-301 ended up at Santa Cruz, in Tenerife, instead of the same in Bolivia, with 170 passengers on board, with no explanation initially given.

However, there was no suggestion in these reports of any time anomalies. In fact the flight was said to be five hours into the journey over the Atlantic, when pilots were denied access to Brazilian airspace, and had to return, taking a further six hours to reach the diverted airport. It is also true that on November 11, 2009, a power cut affected millions of people in Brazil for two hours, and in Paraguay for 20 minutes. But the cause of this was given as a huge hydroelectric dam suddenly malfunctioning. The Itaipu dam, across the two borders stopped producing 17,000 megawatts of power. The cause was not determined at the time, but was thought to be strong storms uprooting trees near the dam.

One wild theory is the LCH could pull an asteroid towards Earth, something CERN denies.
CERN denies everything
Sceptics say conspiracy theorists are very good at filling in blanks and joining dots. They also monitor news sites, so when events like these occur around the same time, they piece them together to create a new theory. This, coupled with a distrust of most official explanations for unexpected events, means there is only going to be one outcome and a theory is born which then travels like wildfire over various websites, debunkers claim.

According to the neutral website it is easy for the theories to begin and travel. A report on the website said: "For a conspiracy theory to get started, there has to be something that a conspiracy theorist can use, something that doesn't make sense. In some conspiracy theories, it's something very small. "A conspiracy theorist might notice dozens of other anomalies.

The power released from the LHC was so strong that it sent a time warp across the planet. What really happened can best be explained as a massive power outage all across South America. Freedom Fighter Times

"So the conspiracy theorist notices one or more things that do not "make sense" in the official story. "Any one of these discrepancies might be enough to get a person's attention." This is not the first conspiracy theory to surface about the LHC. A host of claims say there is something more sinister behind the complex machine than answering the mysteries of how the Universe started.

They believe if the particle smasher does not create a black hole that swallows up our world, it will pull an asteroid towards us, trigger monster earthquakes, or open a portal to allow Satan in to finish his work.

But CERN has released an official statement to allay all of these fears, and disputes the LHC is dangerous at all. It disputes the LHC is dangerous at all. The statement said: "Although powerful for an accelerator, the energy reached in the LHC is modest by nature’s standards.

CERN insists the LCH experiments are perfectly safe.
CERN is not safe despite what they say?
"Cosmic rays – particles produced by events in outer space – collide with particles in the Earth’s atmosphere at much greater energies than those of the LHC. "These cosmic rays have been bombarding the Earth’s atmosphere as well as other astronomical bodies since these bodies were formed, with no harmful consequences.

"These planets and stars have stayed intact despite these higher energy collisions over billions of years." CERN said: "The LHC will not generate black holes in the cosmological sense. "However, some theories suggest that the formation of tiny 'quantum' black holes may be possible. "The observation of such an event would be thrilling in terms of our understanding of the Universe; and would be perfectly safe."

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