Saturday 14 January 2017

REVEALED: The truth about the "800 year-old mobile phone" that has sparked claims that time travel is REAL

Watch this cool video...

Is time travel real? Well, if you ask me "I believe it is real"? If it is or not for real, is another matter? But, my belief is that yes it is real. We all have our own beliefs and mine happens to be this one plus many more other controversial subjects? My reasoning is this;
  • LHC or CERN as it's known is opening up different realities (maybe) in this reality which is totally controversial because only one reality cannot exist at one time, another reality therefore stands to reason that you can't open another reality in that reality, therefore can you open it up here? Do you open it up in the 20th century or the 1st century? This tell's me that they can time travel in that respect but only with signals?
  • Sending signals at the speed of light or near the speed of light - or even just more than the speed of light means you go backwards (I think) in time therefore if you have a "specific" receiver you can send messages backwards in time - to be picked up of which is on a loop so an exact time does not have to be picked to be sent to, then it might be able to be done like that, maybe?
  • I have many other theories but at this time I cannot say for lack of proof...
The "Sumerian mobile phone" in this story looks surprisingly like the old Nokia phones? If that's on purpose then it is pretty poor at an attempt to make us all believe that it's from the future, or even from the past? Did Nokia reverse engineer one of these phones? But in all reality, I believe that this is fake! I believe it's fake because the Sumerian Cuneiform screams that this is fake? It is a stupidly funny attempt to dupe us all conspiracy theorists.

I cannot accept this as proof of time travel or that once there was an advanced civilisation with mobile phones that looked like Nokia's? However, I do believe in advanced civilisations from the very past but not that this phone came from it is what I'm trying to say? Like the screw embedded in the molten rock which dates from pre-civilisations in the northern hemisphere. I'm sorry but this stuff is just ludicrous and a terrible attempt at convincing us that advanced peoples existed once long ago on earth?

You would be better to try and convince us with a hands free device used by Dinosaurs or that Fred Flintstone was actually an biography cartoon! It simply does not stack up if I'm being honest? Now if there was a signal that was picked up then maybe? Like the WOW signal? That was a good indicator that we're not alone in the universe? Because a signal can tell us things that are going to happen or it can tell us things that happened but only such and such people know about it?

I believe that "time travel" is real but only in signal type, frequency ways? Like blasting out a signal on a frequency as yet unknown or a light source as yet to be made known or invented and detected? Now that for me, would be most interesting and more believable because the implications to that are probably sound in terms of science? It would need a whole new science especially if it is a new altogether invention? I would love to hear your thoughts or comments on that please?

Here is the original story I found on the internet about this;


THIS image of an alleged 800-year-old mobile phone allegedly dug up by archaeologists went viral after emerging online.

Stories filled the internet with speculation the object could even be proof of time travel. But, now can reveal just where the image came from and how it was used to spread the hoax story. Video clips of the alleged bizarre discovery emerged in September 2015. The conspiracy theory story accompanying the discovery claimed the object was unearthed during a dig in Austria. It was said to be a clay copy of a mobile phone with a Sumerian writing style known as cuneiform on the keys.

YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible reported: "What is it? Is it evidence of an advanced civilisation or time travel?” The tablet was dated to around the 13th century BCE. By that time, the Sumerian writing style – usually known as cuneiform - had already been around for a few thousand years. Editorial on the channel goes on to say: “Cuneiform tablets aren’t unusual – an estimated two million have been excavated. The language was a mystery until the 19th century when its code was deciphered."

Cuneiform was one of the first systems of writing developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3,500BC to 3,000 BC. When the news of the discovery broke, conspiracy website reported: "According to reports, during archaeological excavations at Fuschl am See, (in Salzburg), Austria, researchers unearthed a mysterious artefact from the thirteenth century with cuneiform writing that strangely resembles a cell phone. "This type of writing is typically found in modern-day Iran or Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia).

"What a device like this with Cuneiform writing is doing in Austria is something that no one is able to fully understand or explain. "Regrettably the information about this ‘sensational’ discovery is limited." The website added: "We cannot explain what it is, whether it is real or not, but it has caught our attention and we would love to know more about it." Some UFO hunters even pounced on the "discovery" as "evidence of aliens visiting ancient civilisations on Earth, and bringing sophisticated technology to the more primitive beings," without questioning the validity of the claims.

Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, concluded: “It is evident from this cell phone like device that someone with an advanced knowledge of the future created it. "The language is said to go back tens of thousands of years…very cool discovery." The lack of originating detail about the footage, which just shows a white-gloved hand holding the clay sculptured object in close-up concerned most commentators, who said if it were genuine it could be proof of time travel and sensational world news.

Ancient Code website reported: "Most of you will remain sceptical about the discovery, and trust me so do I. "There are two things that just don’t add up. "First of all discovering anything that resembles cuneiform writing in Austria is an extraordinary finding since great distance separated Austria and Ancient Mesopotamia, so it is a true mystery how the object ended up in Europe. "Secondly, and the most mysterious part of the finding is in fact that the objects eerily resembles a modern-day cellphone.

“You can clearly make out the nine "keys" in the lower part of the artefact which are positioned in a way mimicking the keys on a cellphone. "Obviously we cannot avoid considering the possibility that this artefact is a hoax. "Finding something like this is more than sensational and points to the possibility that its creator could have seen a similar device in the distant past. What does this mean? "Well, it means that it is possible that in the distant past, someone saw something that resembled a communication device like a mobile phone and decided to recreate the device in stone."

But the lack of checkable information on the dig and the startling similarity to a cell phone handset had many online posters convinced it was just an imaginative hoax. And it turns out they were right. was contacted by Karl Weingartner, of the Art Replik studio in Germany, who revealed the phone was a piece of artwork he created, and the images of it were stolen to create the hoax. The story about it being found by archaeologists was completely fabricated.

He said: “I am the producer of this clay-tablet cellphone with cuneiform letters on it. “My photo of this artwork went around the world. “More than 500 newspapers reported from the so called "Alien-mobile-phone" and used the photo from a YouTube Video from Paranormal Crucible. “Paranormal crucible used my photo without my permission.”

Ancient laptop in ancient paintings contacted Paranormal Crucible to comment. Someone from the channel, calling herself Marie, said the images of the phone are likely to have come from a subscriber to the YouTube channel, where much of her material came from. She also denied "breaching anyone's copyright" and said the original story tip off had come from a Reddit thread or another conspiracy theory website.

Ancient mobile cell phone

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